100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1122 fog demon (44)


She completely ignored him.

The young man was very unhappy, his eyes were full of uncontrollable blood, and his voice was strange: "The person to kill must be designated by me..." His mood suddenly lightened up, "How about that old detective?"

People are always hard to let go of those close to them. His original intention was to watch her collapse, so he was very interested and pointed at the characters related to her at will.

The girl said, "Okay."

She finally looked up at him.

There was something indescribable in the teenager's mind, like the joy of a child finally being noticed by an adult, but she quickly looked away and said in a fascinated tone:

"If he sees me and sees me coming to kill him, his reaction must be interesting..."

The boy's long eyelashes blinked slightly.

The interesting reaction of the prey has always been what he expects when he kills. But seeing her like this, looking forward to the reaction of the prey wholeheartedly... His heart sank strangely, and even the look in his eyes became more violent.

Yu Chu turned around and walked out, Qian Zeer followed silently and gloomily, but his expression was a little irritable.

"Actually, to collect bones, you need to take the bones of those who are particularly beautiful, right? The bones of those people are also good-looking, so they are valuable when they are collected."

The girl suddenly asked with interest.

The boy paused for a while, and his irritable feeling made the blood in his pure blue eyes even more intense, and said gloomily:

"Whose bones do you want to collect?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. When I find a beautiful person I like, I'll take out his bones..."

As she spoke, she turned a corner, and Chizel finally narrowed her eyes uncontrollably, reached out to grab her wrist, and pressed her against the wall on one side.

"Bone...not so good."

he said coldly.

Even I feel this sentence is inexplicable. Obviously that's his favorite...

A smile flashed in Yu Chu's eyes, but his face remained calm, and he raised his eyebrows suspiciously:

"What's wrong? I think it's... very interesting. The bones of beautiful people will definitely look good. Take it down and store it, how wonderful..."

Her series of fascinated tones made the boy's emotions even more out of control. He stared at her with blood surging and gritted his teeth. His tone was soft and treacherous: "It's not as good as you thought... You return the knife to me."

He suddenly lowered his eyes and glanced at the knife, and reached out to retrieve it coldly, "I changed my mind."

However, he was not prepared, and the girl who had been obediently pressed against him suddenly raised the knife and aimed it at his neck.

The icy blade was against the skin, Qianzel's movements froze, and pure blue bloody eyes looked at her coldly.

The girl smiled with interest, "I think your bones are good, how about killing you?"

Her attitude was casual, like she was dealing with trivial prey, or a toy. As if he doesn't care at all, he can kill at will.

Hunters certainly don't care about the lives of their prey.

She is now very much like his kind.

But Qian Zeer was not at all happy to be understood by his peers. Instead, his mood became more gloomy. When he was treated indifferently and carelessly, he felt more irritable.

"Go." The girl's knife pressed against him.

The young man stepped forward with gloomy eyes and was pushed into a room by her. Yu Chu pressed his knife against him, locked the door with his backhand, looked around the room, took out the handcuffs from the red light district and handed them over, indicating:

"Copy it."

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