100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1124 fog demon (46)


Very annoying. (Online Passion Video )

Perverted indifference, only the emotions of killing and cruelty are left in his heart, he can't see anything but the prey in his eyes, and he is extremely focused on the prey. He is even fascinated by the tools of murder, and is looking forward to it...

These are the things he is used to.

But appearing on her body suddenly made him unbearable. The boy's eyes were restrained and irritable, and he didn't like it very much - she treated herself with a casual attitude, killing if she didn't care.

When she chose the prey, because of her concentration, she no longer gave him the slightest attention.

he does not like.

The emotion in Qian Zeer's eyes was slightly strange, and he hugged her angrily and strangely, but it seemed that he was not hugging anything. Because she was beginning to be elusive, he couldn't guess her mood, as if he could never catch her.

The pure blue pupils became more scarlet around the eyes. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu pushed him.

But Qianzel hugged tightly, he closed his eyes slightly, his eyelashes rested on his eyelids like butterflies, the feeling of irritability and panic made his beautiful lips tense, and his brain could hardly bear the madness of this oppression.

"You're not allowed to do this." He finally just gritted his teeth and said slowly, his voice soft and timid, with a strange tone.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly and said quietly, "You asked me to kill. Isn't it fun to kill?"

"……not good at all."

The boy replied in a low voice, his head was getting more and more split. The feeling of panic made him feel irritable and angry, and because he was already in a state of being out of control, this kind of anger made it even more difficult for him to control himself.

The originally pure blue eyes were slightly red, and he was a little worried that he would really lose control and go crazy.


The scarlet killing instinct and the remaining pure blue kept struggling. He gritted his teeth tightly, raised his hand with his eyelashes down, and aimed the silver knife at the back of his white hand, ready to slash down, so that he could temporarily control his consciousness with pain.

But before the knife was drawn down, the person he was holding suddenly raised his hand and hugged him gently.

Those hands patted his back gently, the girl was in his arms, her voice was a little gentle, and she said softly: "Okay, don't kill anymore."


Qianzel's movements stopped in a daze.

Because of the angle of the hug, in a place she couldn't see, the boy's knife stopped on the back of his hand, the blade was some distance from the back of his hand, and he didn't have time to scratch the blood, and was gently stopped by these gentle words.

The loss of control in his eyes dissipated a little, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Don't kill? Don't you like it?"

The girl nodded in his arms, "Don't kill."

Qianzel opened his eyes slightly.

He seemed to be a little happy, but also a little dumbfounded, the out of control scarlet slowly dissipated, and the emotions comforted by the strange, like a crying child, slowly calmed down.

The gentleness reappeared from the pure blue, he hugged the girl quietly, lowered his head softly and rubbed her shoulder softly.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, feeling the golden shards of the young man brush across his cheeks, like a soft rubbing from a kitten.

The atmosphere between the two became quiet.

Chizel closed his eyes. The brain that was out of control returned to his senses. At this time, when he remembered what had just happened again, he paused, and the meaning of his tone was unclear:

"you do this delibrately?"

Yu Chu blinked.

Hearing this quiet tone, she knew that he had escaped from losing control and regained his senses.

That also means that his emotions are not only the killing instinct, but he can think normally.

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