100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1125 fog demon (47)


With Qianzel's cleverness, of course, it was easy to spot what was wrong and to see that she was acting. *Following*Dreams*Small*Said .1a

Yu Chu disguised his haha: "I know you're out of control, so I pretended to listen to you right away, isn't it smart?" She raised her head and looked at the beautiful eyes of the young Chunlan, "That way you won't kill me. already."

Chizel stared at her silently.

There was no expression on his face, which made Yu Chu a little embarrassed, and looked at him innocently with blinking eyes.

Although her plan to "control violence with violence" is clearly effective, especially when he is out of control.

Because his sanity is locked up, all emotions will be magnified only by instinct. But now that he has regained his senses, he can easily guess that her sudden change was deliberately trying to deceive him...

Is he angry?

Yu Chu thought for a while, and was about to say a few words of explanation, but the young man suddenly hugged her tighter and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Then...you lied to me, so...date, and more , right?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He confirmed it carefully, as if opening his arms to embrace a beautiful dream, for fear that the dream would collapse like a bubble.

Yu Chu was stunned.

Unexpectedly, he was not angry, but asked this question first. She hesitated a little, then nodded.

"If you still want to go... yes."

The other party replied immediately: "I want to go."

He stepped back, pure blue eyes looked at her softly, and his voice softly said: "I want to go. I don't like killing people anymore, I want to go to the clock tower with you."

His voice, with a child-like eagerness to prove himself, was also softly suppressed.

Those blue eyes looked at her tenderly, and the young man whispered softly: "I listen to you in everything, I won't kill you, you don't want it, let's just live a normal life, okay? Let's go to see the scenery and go on a date. ”\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He said, suddenly hesitant, Wei Wei stared at her pitifully, "You didn't like what I did before, but I won't do it again in the future."

He was referring to murder.

He probably knew that those things in the past were irreversible, so he was worried that she would always have a shadow and would not forgive him.

Yu Chu looked at the pure blue eyes of the young man, and read out an almost humble prayer from it. He held her fingers slightly cold and stared at her eagerly.

Yu Chu nodded and whispered, "Let's go on a date tonight." She paused, raised her hand again, and rubbed his golden shards tentatively, "You are not killing good people, those who used to be Don't think about it. Later...we can do something to make up for it."

make up?

In fact, Qian Zeer didn't feel any guilt for the dead person. His emotions are cold, and it is difficult to understand the moral values ​​of normal people. But the young man pursed his lips slightly, but nodded obediently, "I will make up for it."

He looked at the girl fondly.

"Okay, now I'm going to work. Would you like to go home first? Wait for me at your house." Yu Chu tentatively took his hand away from him. The boy's eyes sank slightly, but he nodded obediently. Looking at her like a kitten with nostalgia, "then I'll wait for you."

He took a step back, a little reluctant, stared at her for a while, then turned to leave.

Yu Chu watched his figure disappear, and then returned to the front hall, feeling a little relaxed at last.

This is the half of twisting the child back.

At least he won't kill anymore.

As for the complete reversal in thinking...the days to come are very long, and you can teach it slowly.

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