100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1131 Protecting the National Treasure (2)


It staggered to the front of the railing, and in the sight of several people, it stretched out its claws lazily, and its small head stretched into the railing first, and then the whole round white and soft body slid in, with smooth movements.

The thieves were all stunned.

They were stunned for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward eagerly, took the bamboo on the ground, and wanted to lure it out again. It seems that this baby panda was left alone outside the railing because of its playfulness and its small size. This is a great opportunity to sneak in without taking a risk and take a panda away.

The little dumpling blinked his dark and beautiful eyes, staring at the person outside the railing from the dark circles under his eyes.

But pandas that are a few months old don't eat much bamboo. So it didn't respond at all, just lay on the railing and blinked, looking lazily at the few people outside.

No matter how coaxed by the people outside, the soft dumplings all huddled inside, blinking their beautiful eyes, as dull as if they didn't hear them, as if these people didn't exist in front of it at all.

It stayed for a while, raised its little black paws and rubbed the dark circles under its eyes, opened its mouth and yawned a little, then collapsed on its paws again, slowly closing its beautiful eyes, and continued to sleep dully.

Several people looked at each other.

They carefully took out the prepared milk drink, poured it into the sack they had brought beforehand, aligned the mouth of the bag with the gap between the railings, and deliberately put it in front of the soft dumplings.

The little black and white group opened its eyes again, and lay on the ground in a dull and silent manner for a while, then got up without any IQ, strode over, and looked into the bag with a probe. Slowly get into the bag.

As the chubby rolled into the bag, several people breathed a sigh of relief. Someone gently lifted the bag, and the soft ball inside didn't cry. It was lying on his stomach, like a child with a sack covered in a sack, but he didn't cry or make trouble. , After staying for a while, he closed his eyes again and calmly continued to sleep.

The people who originally wanted to give it an anesthetic were not able to do so for a moment...

A national treasure is a national treasure. It possesses strong military power, but it is vegetarian, and it is stupid and cute-especially when I was young, it was soft and soft, and even the thieves couldn't help but have a soft-hearted thought when they looked at it.

At this moment, the giant panda sleeping like an uncle inside the railing turned over, and a few people were startled, and quickly left with a soft dumpling, because it was obediently sleeping in the sack, so they did not anesthetize it any more.

After getting away from the base, they found their car in the deep mountains. Several people were relieved and got into the car with a sack. They carefully spread the sack on the back seat, revealing the delicate white and soft panda group inside, and fell asleep softly.

Some people couldn't help reaching out to touch, but they were reprimanded by the leader: "Don't move, it's not easy to mess with small ones, it can bite your hand off. Just let it fall asleep."

The man withdrew his hand angrily, "Do you think those big guys can raise pandas well? It's not just for fun, right?"

"Who knows, we use money to do things." The boss said casually, but his eyes involuntarily glanced at the rearview mirror. The little group slept soundly.

When he took the order, he had no idea, but now looking at the creatures sprouting out of the sky, he was inexplicably a little unbearable.

But the money has been taken, and it doesn't matter if I can't bear it. He finally started the car.

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