100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1132 Protecting the National Treasure (3)


A few people drove all the way to the city, parked in a remote place on the side of the road, and then a few people left to eat, leaving two people watching the panda.

One of them took out an anesthesia needle and looked at his companion, "There are so many people here, it's not good for it to wake up here and make a noise, let's give it an injection and let it sleep."

The companion nodded.

But the two of them looked at Bai Tuanzi and hesitated again, "But it doesn't seem to have eaten, and it's not good for the body to sleep all the time. I heard that pandas are weak before they are one year old, and they will die easily if they are not taken care of..."

The two looked at each other hesitantly.

"Otherwise wake it up to drink some milk, and then give it an injection when it's full? That's all right."


The two reached an agreement smoothly. One of them stretched out his hand carefully, but before he touched the soft ball, the other opened his eyes first, raised his paws and rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and then blinked his beautiful eyes.

The man pulled his hand back in fright.

After all, pandas are powerful beasts. Even if it is a vegetarian and still cute, it is a beast.

The soft dumpling didn't move, the old man raised his eyes lazily, and continued to lie down silently.

The two breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to find the food they had prepared in advance to feed the baby panda.

The soft dumpling looked at them silently, but then stretched out his little black claws and crawled lazily, his little head glanced ignorantly under the seat, raised his claws and rubbed his eyes.

It rubbed it, and then, very stupidly, fell from the seat at once. A round mass of bones fell into the gap between the seats, and because of the soft body, there was no sound at all.

The little black and white dumpling was stuck in the crack, struggling silently, but to no avail, so he sluggishly stood still.

It was ignorantly stuck quietly.

And after the two people next to them found something, they looked back and saw that the little dumpling was gone...

The two were instantly shocked.

The car door was not closed tightly, and a gap was opened. The two thought that the panda had fallen out, so they immediately opened the door and got out of the car to look for it. Although the car is parked in front of a remote alley, in case anyone notices the panda——

That is a national treasure, and it can attract all the attention anywhere, and they will not be exposed at that time!

The two got out of the car in a hurry, but they didn't see Xiao Ruantuan anywhere. They even got down and looked at the bottom of the car, but still couldn't find the shadow of the panda.

One of them couldn't believe it:

"Isn't it saying that a few months old can't walk? It can't even crawl, and it runs so fast?"

The other person's expression didn't look much better, and he pointed to the alley in front, "We've been looking for something for too long, we didn't notice it, and it doesn't make a sound... Let's go there and take a look."

The two of them walked forward in a hurry.

After all, once someone sees a panda, they're done. If anyone else found a panda, they would have to get in the car and leave here.

After the two left, silence returned to the car.

The soft dumpling continued to be stuck in silence.

It stuck for a while, and finally stretched out its little black claws, clawed at the seat, and tried to move out of its chubby white body, and finally fell out. The car rolled to the ground and fell into a mess.

The soft dumpling didn't get up for a while.

When Yu Chu walked here, he saw a small soft black and white dumpling lying beside the car.

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