100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1133 Protecting the National Treasure (4)


She couldn't believe it, and asked the system:

"This is……"

The system wanted to cover its face, but still replied with a high-cold fan: "Host, this is the fragment..."

Yu Chu: "..."

If time permits, she would like to laugh up to the sky for three minutes, then go over and pick up the small pieces.

In the last plane, the little pervert Qian Zeer treated her as a pet, but the feng shui turned around - in this plane, the fragments are only cute little soft dumplings...

She walked over quickly, leaned over carefully, and picked up the soft dumpling lying on the ground.

The little guy was nestled in her arms, and the beautiful eyes in the dark circles stared at her, stupidly motionless.

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing and crying: "You..."

She said a word, but in the face of Xiao Ruanzi's round, white and soft body, and his dull and stupid expression, she somehow couldn't reprimand him. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Holy crap, this is too cute...

A soft and cute group, quiet and ignorant, so stupid that people can't bear to be angry with it.

Better get out of here.

After all, this is a small national treasure group. If she is seen by others, she can't explain it clearly.

She came here according to the guidance of the system. She only knew that she could see the fragments, but she did not expect that the small fragments were black and white balls. I don't know how it appeared here, but it is conceivable that there must be some insider.

Yu Chu glanced at the car at random, then walked away with a soft dumpling in his arms, got into the car parked in front of him, and then turned around to take a photo of the car's license plate.

After she finished filming, while driving away, she glanced at the small soft ball placed in the co-pilot.

Its black and white soft body swayed slightly with the bumps of the car, and its snow-white body was round and soft, lying on the seat stupidly, looking particularly cute. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu couldn't help reaching out, rubbed the top of its head lightly, touched its small black ears, and then curiously touched its cute dark circles.

The little soft group is lying still...

Too lazy to be speechless.

Yu Chu withdrew his hand gently, and then thought thoughtfully, raising pandas is a technical job.

And it's illegal to keep pandas...

She glanced at Xiao Ruan Tuan with a headache, and while turning the steering wheel, she asked it, "Can you become a human?"

The other party lay down and did not answer.

Yu Chu asked again, "Then what's your name?"

The baby panda is still lying on the ground.

Yu Chu sighed, and then glanced at it casually, "Otherwise, it's called Tuan Tuan? Look at your chubby ball... Or, just call it Tuan Tuan?"

She was amused herself, smiled, and then reached out and rubbed it lightly, "Let's call it Tuantuan."

The soft dumpling, who was given a random name, remained motionless, lazily and quietly.

When they got there, Yu Chu looked at the beautiful villa in front of her. In front of the main house was a huge fountain. Beautifully dressed servants stood on both sides and looked at her car.

"How did I bring you in..."

Yu Chu rubbed his temples, thought about it, and opened his limited edition bag. This bag is a popular big bag, and it is no problem to put a dumpling in it, but it also has to cooperate with the baby panda - otherwise, it will not put it on, or it will make a noise, but it will be exposed.

"Tuan Tuan, come, put yourself in."

She opened her bag and said to Xiao Ruantuan.

The soft group remained silent, and Yu Chu had to tentatively reach out and put it in.

"Don't you call me?" she asked with a headache.

The little soft group nestled in the bag and blinked her dark and beautiful eyes.


In the future, the update will be uniform at 9 o'clock in the evening, and you won't have to stay up late for updates, so you don't have to wait for the early morning. What's more, this plane is stupid, and it is almost the same character after becoming a human. Everyone has a mental preparation... Good night

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