100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1140 Protecting the National Treasure (11)


The man was a little surprised, turned his head to look at Xiao Tuanzi, "Someone actually stole a panda."

He had never heard of such a thing. Moreover, this panda happened to be picked up by his daughter. Looking at the red panda group at this time, he suddenly remembered something, pondered for a while, and said to Yu Chu: "Since you picked it up, you will personally deliver this panda to the capital. If you can deliver it, what you said last time? , Dad will promise you."

Yu Chu's mind moved slightly.

What happened last time--the stepmother wanted to grind him for a company, but the original owner strongly opposed it. It is very difficult for a man to be sandwiched between two women, and he has been unable to decide. This panda is probably an opportunity. He deliberately wanted to pick an opportunity to end this matter.

"This panda was stolen here, and it was handed over to the protection base here." Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

"No," the man shook his head, "that's too simple. The capital is far from here, you can take it to the capital well, and the company will be taken care of by you."

"Aren't you afraid I'll be caught?"

The man smiled and said, "You picked it up. Not only is it innocent but also meritorious. You don't have to worry, Dad will naturally help you explain the situation."

Even if the panda is brought with him now, he can keep his daughter safe by means of a man. What's more, it is not a sin to retrieve the panda from the thief.

He just wanted to use this thing to make a break.

Cunning and cunning.

Yu Chu rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

The man laughed. He also knew that he was cheating on his daughter. But that incident, with his wife on one side and his daughter on the other, really embarrassed him. His daughter was always hostile to his newly married wife, which gave him a headache.

Or solve it with one thing as well.

He thought it would take some words to get his daughter to agree, but Yu Chu readily agreed:

"Okay, I'll send it to the capital. Don't forget to promise me to hand over that company to me."

She agreed immediately, but the man was slightly surprised.

The capital is far away from here, so planes are the only means of transportation, but with a panda, it is impossible to take a plane without disturbing others.

If you go by car, if you pass the inspection gate, the national treasure panda group can't hide very well. ——No matter how you think about it, it seems impossible to hide the sky and send the panda group to the capital without knowing it.

How can you promise so readily?

The man was a little surprised, but he thought it would be better to solve this matter early, so he didn't go into it, looked at the panda group a few more times, and left the room after talking for a while.

When he left, Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, looked down at the little soft dumpling on the bed, and smiled happily.

This group can become human.

Transform into a humanoid to avoid the police and thieves in minutes. This task is simply not difficult.

The stepmother couldn't get that company.

Yu Chu walked over and rubbed the soft dumpling's head, "Tuan Tuan, take you to the capital for a tour."

Just go.

After rubbing her head, she turned to pack her luggage.

The panda group didn't understand what happened, just blinked and looked at her figure silently.

Yu Chu packed up his things and drove away with the panda group. She flipped through the navigation first, thoughtfully.

The power of the main god is not much, and it will be very exhausting to change into a human form, so it should be changed when necessary. At other times, it is better to be a peaceful panda group.

Then... let's take the mountain road with few people first.

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