100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1141 Protecting the National Treasure (12)


Yu Chu drove to the suburbs, and soon entered the mountain, gushing about the scenery on both sides to the panda.

The group ignored it.

It lay silently on the passenger seat, shrunk into a quiet and soft glutinous rice ball.

Yu Chu stopped disturbing it, and frowned and thought. If a panda is lost from the base, there will be a police investigation in less than a day, and the police must be guarded along the way until it successfully reaches the capital.

And besides the police, there is also the thief group. If they lost the panda, they would either sneak into the base again to steal it, or look for the lost one.

Because one has been lost, the base will be strictly guarded, and it is unlikely to be stolen again...

Therefore, along the way, there are two waves of blocking forces, one is the police and the other is the thief.

I heard that girls who love to do things are not bad luck.

Yu Chu raised the corners of her lips with interest, parked the car on the side of the quiet road, took out her mobile phone and downloaded a video software. After instructing the system to clear the location information, she filled in the account nickname as "Panda in Hand".

After it was done, she opened the door to get out of the car and looked left and right. There are trees on both sides of the road, the lush green is fresh and tender, and the leaves are scattered on the ground.

Yu Chu reached out and hugged the dumpling, "Tuan Tuan, get up to work. Do you like doing things?"

The black and white group was silent for a while.

Yu Chu didn't intend to listen to its answer. He took out an unrecognizable towel from his luggage, spread it on the leaves by the roadside, and put the panda group on it.

"It's enough to shoot for a few seconds." She thought about it for a while, then took a few seconds of the black and white group, and brought the camera into the background of the forest, and then nodded with satisfaction, and clicked to upload the video to the homepage:

Group to steal pandas, everyone is welcome to pay attention.

After uploading it, she picked up the panda and got into the car, and continued to drive slowly and unhurriedly.

But slowly, people gradually paid attention to this account on the Internet. From the beginning, it was inexplicable, and it seemed to understand something, so with the increase of clicks and reposts, this incident quickly exploded on the Internet.

The appearance of the panda group is naturally the reason for the initial traffic. In the video for a few seconds, the background is the lush forest, and the soft black and white dumplings are lying on the towel, looking at the camera lazily and dumbly. It blinked its dark and beautiful eyes with a dazed expression.

The comments exploded in shock:

"Shit, are you really stealing pandas???"

"No, stealing pandas and returning videos? Aren't you afraid of being caught? You want to be popular and crazy!"

"Why is this panda so cute!!"

"Hurry up and ask, is it true or false, was it taken by the base or was it stolen? Hurry up and save Gun Gun!"

During the discussion among netizens, the video was quickly noticed by the police, and then a notice was issued, explaining that the video was really stealing pandas, not a video from the base. Those in the know should actively report it.

This time, netizens were completely shocked.

The crime of illegally stealing pandas is not light. The thieves actually have the courage to post public videos. Everyone was worried about the safety of the national treasure and concerned about the follow-up, so the fans of "Panda in Hand" increased wildly.

The police also quickly investigated the account address, but found nothing. They were also puzzled, and Xun turned his attention to the video again.

The base where the panda was lost had been filed early in the morning, and it was easy for the police to judge the scene in the video.

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