100 Ways to Get the Male God

1146 Protecting the National Treasure (17)


There are no traces of pandas. Only then did they politely apologize and ordered someone to search the neighborhood again.

The panda group was so sleepy that they couldn't keep their eyes open, and almost fell on the girl next to them. The police were too embarrassed to wait too long, so they left after making sure there was no problem.

They probably never thought that it was the panda group that made them embarrassed to stay too long.

Yu Chu took the man back to the room and let him sleep well.

This dumpling must also stick to her when sleeping, and hang himself on her body so that he can sleep peacefully.

Yu Chu took his hand off his waist with great effort, and then sighed and hugged him to sleep.

After a while, she heard that the yard was lively again, and it seemed that another wave of guests had come.

Yu Chu heard the voices of several men talking, so he raised his head and looked out the window.

It started to rain lightly again, and several men followed the old man into the house in the rain, paid the accommodation fee, and were taken to a room far away from here. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Possibly the thieves.

Yu Chu pondered and continued to close his eyes.

When the movement over there completely disappeared and everything settled down, she opened her eyes, let go of the boy, and got up and got out of bed by the moonlight.

Under the cover of martial arts, the girl quietly came to the door of the room, listening to the pattering rain, and at the same time hearing the low-pitched conversation in the room.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"That's right, I've been searching along the mountain road for a day."

After a long silence, someone said: "I see there is a car outside, it seems to be driven by an outsider, I guess it is also a sleepover, I will find a chance tomorrow to see who it is..."

When Yu Chu heard this, he was basically certain.

Seems like that video was really helpful and hooked the team so quickly. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But she didn't plan to deal with them here either.

Transfer this group of people to the capital, and then use them as a cover, just in time for the police to capture, perfect.

She turned into the yard and saw the car coming from the group. They have changed cars.

Presumably it was the worry that the car was exposed before.

But now it's revealed...

Yu Chu wrote down the license plate number before turning around and going back to the room.

Early the next morning, several people met in the yard, Yu Chu led the boy away without changing his face, and smiled politely at the men.

The men also pretended to say hello, and looked at them calmly.

This young couple, no matter how they look at it, will not hide pandas. When Yu Chu opened the door, he made it clear to them that there was nowhere to hide the panda.

Several men dispelled suspicion.

Yu Chu drove away with the panda group, and in the rearview mirror he saw the men discussing in a low voice.

She hooked her lips and smiled, planning to go to the next place to shoot a video, and let the group continue to follow her.

Now in the car, there are fewer traffic lights to monitor, Yu Chu worried that the power of the Lord God would be exhausted, so he kissed the boy's earlobe and turned him back into a dumpling.

In the second city, Yu Chu called Ming's father and informed him of his location.

Ming's father was very surprised. He couldn't understand how his daughter reached the second city in such a short period of time, and she was not found along the way.

When he first saw the video on the Internet, he was still a little confused, but he didn't expect that his daughter took the panda to another city without incident.

How did she escape?

Ming's father was puzzled.

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