100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1147 Protecting the National Treasure (18)


Yu Chu naturally did not intend to drive to the capital honestly. That might take a while.

When she arrived in the second city, she took the panda boy to the local police station.

The dumpling was held by her hand and entered the door, looked left and right, and continued to wait quietly.

The police officer on file asked, "What happened?"

Yu Chu pushed the boy over, "I found a person, but he lost his memory. I don't know where to send him, so I came to report the case to find his family."

The police were immediately stunned.

The young man in front of him has delicate and picturesque eyebrows, fair-skinned and beautiful - this kind of amnesia scene that is only found in dog-blooded idol dramas, actually actually exists in reality.

A group of gangsters who had just been arrested also turned their heads and looked at them in amazement. Two of the little sisters looked at the appearance of the little dumplings and couldn't help muttering: \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Why can't I find this..."

The young man is white and tender, delicate and good-looking, and looks like a pampered young master.

Actually, like in the TV series, he lost his memory and was picked up by someone? The plot is just dreamy.

Several people couldn't help but look at them frequently.

Yu Chu added: "I thought he lost his memory because he ran out of the hospital and lost it. But there is no hospital near him when I found him..."

"Understood." The policeman nodded, asked some more information, and prepared to check the file.

He smiled and nodded at Yu Chu, "You can leave first, we will help find his family."

Yu Chu nodded in agreement, let go of the boy's hand, and walked straight out of the police station.

The soft group was stunned for a moment. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The police uncle said to him kindly: "You wait by the side first, and I will tell you when there is news."

A group of little gangsters and little sisters also looked at him.

However, under the watchful eyes of the public, the panda group did not listen to what the police said at all. Seeing that they had been left behind, they were immediately anxious. They stepped forward and grabbed the girl at a loss. They blinked and stared at her blankly.

Yu Chu pulled his hand away, "wait here, you will find your family soon."

She just pulled the person's hand away, and the other person blinked his beautiful dark eyes, but immediately opened his hand and hugged her in a panic - a slender, fair-skinned boy, like a discarded pet, his beautiful eye circles instantly turned red , Sad and panic, desperately hugged her.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Yu Chu was in a trance for a moment when he was holding him. He didn't expect that the little dumpling had such a big reaction.

She thought he would lazily obey and let go.

She just wanted to find a reason to get a temporary ID card for Xiao Tuanzi so that she could take him to buy a plane ticket to the capital.

But the panda group thought she had left him, but the reaction was so overwhelming, and they rushed over to hug her desperately and in a panic.

Yu Chu lowered his head, patted the boy on the shoulder, and raised his eyes to look at the police: "Otherwise, he will come to my house with me first, and then notify us when you have news."

The police station is not a shelter. Some citizens pick up a lost child, either the police station will transfer it to the welfare home first, or the person who finds it will take it home first, not to mention that they are still sticking to other girls.

The police nodded, took her to register the information, and let them go.

Everyone in the police station watched helplessly, the beautiful young man with amnesia was being led away obediently, and he stubbornly insisted on reaching out to hug the girl before he could walk well.

A little sister couldn't help muttering:

"Idol drama."

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