100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1148 Protecting the National Treasure (19)


After Yu Chu brought the small group into the car, he fastened his seat belt and looked up carefully at his expression.

The panda dumpling looked at her aggrievedly.

"Good, it's my fault." Yu Chu raised his hand to rub his broken pieces, and touched the edge of his beautiful eyes again.

The juvenile slender eyelashes are moist.

She watched silently for a while, sighed slightly, leaned over and kissed his fair forehead.

"Don't be wronged, I don't want you."

She comforted.

The young man seemed to understand, his expression relaxed slightly, and he nestled in the passenger seat, but stubbornly raised his arms and hugged her, not allowing her to sit back in her seat.

Yu Chu was hugged unreasonably by him, and suddenly patted him funny, "Let go, I want to drive."

The group is not loose.

Pandas are a pit when they are clingy. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu took one of his hands away first, went to get the other hand, he hugged him again, broke free from one side and wrapped it on the other side, it was like a piece of 5o2 glue.

Yu Chu pushed his shoulders away, but was stunned to see the blank grievance on the young man's face, staring at her quietly and stubbornly, his moist long eyelashes resting on his eyes.

She was soft-hearted and pinched his face, "I didn't say, I don't want you, don't be wronged."

The panda dumpling looked at her silently.

Yu Chu looked at him for a long time, hesitated for a while, and then leaned over tentatively, his breath gradually intertwined.

The young man blinked his eyes ignorantly, and his tender lips were gently touched, with a soft and fragrant touch.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and his hands unwittingly loosened.

Yu Chu finished kissing, left him, backed up, and sat back in his seat. Seeing that he finally stopped making trouble, he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to turn back and drive away. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But the panda group struggled all of a sudden.

He was tied by the seat belt, and the slender body of the young man leaned forward, but he couldn't get out of the seat completely. Soft dumpling's beautiful eyebrows and eyes were slightly aggrieved, and he stretched out his hand and tugged at random, and the steel buckle of the seat belt snapped.

Yu Chu was stunned, watching the button of the seat belt, which was roughly pulled open like crispy tofu, and the soft dumpling immediately leaned over happily and softly.

He blinked his eyes, rubbed in front of her obediently and ignorantly, and lowered his head to kiss her.

Yu Chu quickly pushed him away, but the other party pressed him down again aggrieved and stubborn.

Fortunately, while pushing him away, Yu Chu had already pressed the car window. Even if he was pressed on the seat and kissed, the car window would block the sight of outsiders.

Soft dumplings seemed to have eaten their favorite food, and kissed her softly, kissing and rubbing happily.

Happy like a stupid panda.

He dawdled and kissed for a while, and didn't mean to back away, Yu Chu finally reached out and pushed him intolerably, and covered the youth's light-colored lips.

"Come here again, you will stay here." She pointed back to the police station outside the window.

The panda group became calm and honest in an instant.

He was eagerly pushed back into his seat. Yu Chu looked at the torn seat belt buckle and couldn't help but have a headache.

As expected of a vicious beast, even if it is now relying on selling cute bamboo to eat, its real combat effectiveness is still very strong.


A few days later, the police station was surprised to find that there was no news of the teenager at all.

But he is still alive...

Missing, no one reported it?

But so far no news.

Yu Chu brought the group to the police station again, and went through the formalities first, preparing to help the teenager get a temporary ID card so that he could live normally.

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