100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1149 Protecting the National Treasure (20)


After staying in the city for half a month, all the formalities were completed. Yu Chu took the ID card in his hand and sighed: "In the future, you will be an identity group."

The young man raised his eyes to glance at her, then lowered his gaze.

Yu Chu was helpless.

This guy doesn't want to kiss all the time, she just stops it properly, and he puts on his face aggrieved.

In the past few days, she has found another place to shoot videos to ensure that the thief group continues to follow her.

As for other voices on the Internet, she was too lazy to care. This incident quickly fermented on the Internet, became an annual miracle, and appeared on many TV stations and newspapers.

Yu Chu ignored it, bought the tickets for the two, and drove to the airport, ready to fly directly to the capital.

The plane will arrive soon, and calling my father at that time will surely surprise him.

When she arrived at the airport, she bought sunglasses for the boy to put on, covering his dark eyes, revealing only a fair chin with a beautiful curvature, but she still had a good-looking face, and there were girls secretly taking pictures and whispering along the way. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The attention of the two is like an airport star, and Yu Chu is a little helpless.

It was still early before boarding time, so she took the boy to a nearby puppet shop, intending to leave some clues and continue to follow her while hanging the thief group.

There was only one little girl in the doll shop. Yu Chu was a little strange. He looked around and asked, "Are you alone? Where's your family?"

The little girl said in a milky voice, "Mom has gone to the toilet. I'm not too young. I can watch the store."

Yu Chu smiled and praised: "It's awesome."

The dumpling next to him was stunned for a moment, and suddenly unhappy, stretched out his paws to hug her again, and snorted softly.

Yu Chu patted him with a headache, and then managed to calm down the panda group.

She turned her head and looked around, making sure that there was no surveillance in this small store, so she took out her mobile phone and drew a picture to the little girl and said, "You are so powerful, can you help my sister count, there are a few stars in it. ?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and then she lowered her head naively and counted. Yu Chu hugged the boy beside him and gently kissed his ear.

The little girl who was counting down didn't see that the slender boy instantly turned into a dumpling, round and fluffy in the girl's arms, like a delicate doll.

The little girl looked up after counting, "Sister, fifty-four... Hey, elder sister, is this a panda?"

She opened her eyes in surprise.

Yu Chu smiled at her, "Just take a look at the doll my sister took out of the box."

She said, and put the dumplings into the doll box next to her. In a box of delicate white and soft dolls, the panda dumplings seem to have no sense of disobedience.

It shrunk into a ball of vicissitudes.

The little girl stared blankly at a box of identical white soft dolls, nodded innocently, and asked, "Why did my brother just disappear?"

Yu Chu picked up his mobile phone, took a picture of Xiao Tuanzi, uploaded the picture, and replied to the little girl, "He's going shopping, he'll be back soon."

The little girl nodded in understanding, then saw the beautiful sister in front of her handing over the phone again, and said with a smile: "Can you count this picture for my sister again? You count it accurately, it's amazing."

"Okay." The little girl counted again happily.

When she raised her eyes, she saw that good-looking brother came back, looking depressed and vicissitudes of life, holding the hand of the beautiful sister tightly.

"Sixty-two." The little girl said softly.

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