100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 120 Western Nobles and Princesses in Distress (31)


Knight Xi was shocked by Sattha's words, and he didn't expect that under his own eyes, someone would dare to molest the Grand Duchess openly.

He quickly asked the knight to pull Satsara away, and glanced at the girl next to him.

Yu Chu's expression was calm, he met his gaze, and smiled, "Shall we torture her?"

Use, of course, use immediately.

Xi knight wiped his sweat, bowed his head respectfully to Yu Chu, then turned his head and ordered the knight to be punished.

As soon as the torture tool was loaded, Sattha's cheeks turned pale in pain, but those eyes were still fixed on Yu Chu, sticky like a poisonous snake.

Her eyes gradually blurred.

Everyone gradually realized that she was wrong.

The woman's lingering gaze always stopped on the black girl, and the painful cry gradually turned into a perverted moan, her cheeks flushed morbidly, and she licked her rosy lips, revealing a disgusting smile.

She twisted her body, "You are so beautiful..."


Everyone's three views have been refreshed.

Even Yu Chu, who claims to be well-informed, couldn't help but feel speechless at this scene. She was about to step back uncomfortably, when a hand suddenly wrapped around her waist.

She turned her face and looked at Ludwig in slight surprise. The man's profile was expressionless.


He didn't disturb others when he came in. After he raised his hand, the two rows of knights in the aisle just bowed their heads respectfully and didn't make a sound.

It was also at this time that the knight seated the Grand Duke, and hurriedly bent over to salute, "...Sir."

How much have you heard and seen...

Ludwig's blue eyes were calm, he glanced at Sattha, who was panting, and his thin lips parted lightly: "This kind of punishment is not enough, just change it."

The icy atmosphere enveloped the prison in an instant, and the two knights did not even dare to wipe the cold sweat.

"Let's go."

Ludwig didn't want to stay and watch. His slender fingers wearing snow-white gloves draped around the girl's waist. He lowered his eyes, and his eyelashes covered half of his eyes.

Yu Chu nodded hurriedly, hugged his waist, and rubbed against his neat military uniform to show his flattery.

She only has two advantages, one is that she is a hooligan when she should be a hooligan, and the other is that she is cowardly when she should, without hesitation.

Ludwig raised his hand to cover her face so that the buttons on his uniform would not scratch her.

There was no expression on his face, and it was not until he walked a few meters that he suddenly remembered something and turned his head.

The man's voice is cold:

"Look, don't let her kill herself."

He stopped.

The firelight reflected in the dim cell, the tall and slender figure, and the solemn military uniform on his body seemed to carry a dark bloodthirsty, cold as a beast.

"Use the punishment until she dies."


Breathless silence.

The knight should be respectful, his eyes swept across the man behind the man, the girl in his arms, seeing her small head exposed, her expression was still very innocent.


For a while, I really don't know how I feel.

And Yu Chu is really innocent.

She was escorted out of the prisoner of war camp and returned to the room all the way.


Although he looked like this whether he was angry or not, Yu Chu was sure that he was angry.

The kind that won't be good if you don't coax.

She leaned over and looked at those blue and charming eyes, "Hell, dear, what's the matter?"

Ludwig was expressionless, and after letting go of her, he stretched out his long legs and sat down behind the desk.

"It's all right," he said.

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