100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 121 Western Nobles and Distressed Princesses (32)


He looked down at the document, his blue eyes couldn't see emotions, as if there was no waves.

Standing across from the table, Yu Chu saw that the long dark table was neatly arranged, as if the owner had obsessive-compulsive disorder, which vividly showed the old-fashioned to meticulous character of the person opposite.

She rubbed over, blocking the man's view of the document, and coaxed softly, "Dear..."

Ludwig looked up, expressionless.

The girl paused and shrank her body in the face of the emotionless gaze. This time, Yu Chu really felt a little wronged: "Are you angry with me?"

She didn't do anything...

Ludwig looked at her for a few seconds, then looked away, his voice still calm: "No."


Yu Chu put down the hand on his shoulder, lowered his eyes a little depressedly, and decided to let him calm down first. Maybe he just saw a woman so perverted, a little uncomfortable, just take it slow...

She turned to leave, but her wrist was held.

Ludwig looked up at her, wrapped his slender fingers around her wrist, and repeated calmly:

"I'm not angry."

"Well." Yu Chu earned it.

She had no other intentions, but the man pursed his lips as she broke free. His beautiful lips tensed, his fingers clenched tighter, and his blue and beautiful pupils stared at her without blinking.

Yu Chu was puzzled and stopped.

Ludwig looked at her silently, a quiet shadow appeared on his long eyelashes, and after a while he said in a low voice, "I'm not angry. I won't be angry with you."

Yu Chu blinked.

The man with golden blue eyes seemed to think for a while, then let go of the hand holding her wrist, slowly hugged her waist, and pressed his head silently against her lower abdomen.

He is tall and slender, wearing a solemn military uniform, but this movement is extremely dependent, like a child.

Yu Chu stared blankly at his beautiful Jin.

His voice was quiet:

"Don't be afraid of me."

Yu Chu put his hand on his head like a sleepwalker, and finally understood what this guy was talking about.

He was angry, but not at her.

This person always has such an expression on his face, Yu Chu only knows that he is angry, who knows who exactly?

He thought he scared himself.

Yu Chu is funny, I want to say that you really make people dare not approach, and it's not because of my thick skin...

Oh, something is wrong.

She coughed, held back the smile on her lips, and gently rubbed the man's gold, in exchange for raising her eyes.

Clear blue eyes.

The ultimate beauty, the most beautiful eyes.

Yu Chu's integrity was shattered into scum again, and he wished he could pick up someone and slobber on his face to show his loyalty.

Objectively speaking, it will undoubtedly be more tiring to get along with such serious and old-fashioned people. The other party has a boring personality, self-discipline in life, and extremely restrained emotions.

No idea what he was thinking at all.

Fortunately, Ludwig will compromise his habits for her, and now he will even act like a spoiled child.

Although he obviously does not have the will to be cute, maybe he is just not good at communicating with people, especially this kind of soft communication - that's why he looks cute...

But Yu Chu is very confident in his future family status.

She rubbed Ludwig's gold, looked at his blue eyes, and pondered the laws of the first two planes, and decided to come up with a love story.

She said softly, "I'm not afraid of you, my dear, I like you the most, why am I afraid of you?"

Ludwig's eyelashes moved slightly.

Clear blue eyes, water lines lightly rippling.

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