100 Ways to Get the Male God

1222. Chapter 1222 Female Honored Lady (1)


Thirty planes

lady lady


Yu Chu woke up from his dark consciousness and heard someone talking next to him.

She didn't open her eyes, but lay quietly, listening to the whispered conversations of the people around her.

The system sighed in her mind.

Yu Chu was a little strange.

Just returned to the mission space, the system asked whether to turn off the mission mode, she didn't understand what mission mode, so she shook her head and refused, let the system not waste time, hurry up and transfer to the next plane.

After the system was stunned for a while, although it transmitted obediently, it began to sigh.

Yu Chu asked lightly in his mind, "What are you sighing for?"

The system continued to sigh and persuaded carefully: "Master host, next time you return to the main... quest space, you might as well turn off the mode."

Otherwise, it is afraid of the wronged Baba in the space.

After finally coming back once, the host directly turned off the mode, did not restore memory, and left again.

How bad is it to promote feelings.

It sighed again.

Hearing what it said, the host let out a faint sigh, not knowing if he took it to heart.

The next second, the system heard the host say, "Okay, go to sleep, don't nagging all day."


The system fell into hibernation in grief and indignation.

Only then did Yu Chu lie down calmly and pay attention to the voice of the person beside him.

It was a woman's voice, and it sounded sad: "General, general... How can you fall here... We won the battle, and we are about to return to the court... How can you..."

Having said that, she paused for a while, as if she was too choked up to speak.

The cry below grew louder, and there seemed to be a lot of people here. It seems that this general is very prestigious in the hearts of everyone, and many cry are very sad.

Yu Chu calmly accepted the plot.

The original owner's name was Chu Li. He was the first general of the Nvzun Dynasty. His military exploits shocked all directions, and he was the dream lover of many men in the court.

But she also made a lot of enemies because of the limelight.

Her mother's family is an extremely prominent family in the dynasty, and she has made a marriage contract with the son of another family.

This time, he won a great victory, the class teacher returned to the dynasty, and Chu Li was going to go back to fulfill the marriage contract and marry the prince.

However, the enemy, who had long been eyeing them, moved to the wind and tried to weaken the Chu family's power in every possible way.

On the way back to Beijing this time, one of Chu Li's most trusted subordinates poisoned her tea.

Then, disguised as a grief-stricken look, lying in front of her bed weeping loudly.

Yu Chu sneered slightly.

She closed her eyes, and the martial arts were quietly operating in her body, gathering the toxins in the tea, and focusing it on her left arm for the time being. She felt that her body was not so stiff, so she blinked twice.

She is now in a spacious tent with several soldiers kneeling under the bed, each woman wiping her tears with her head down, her voice choked. And beside his bed, there was a woman crying.

It was the poisoned lieutenant.

She was lying beside the bed, Yu Chu couldn't see her face, only heard her choked voice: "General, don't worry, after the last commander returns to the city, he will report to His Majesty, to the old lady, and to His Royal Highness. …”

Hearing this, Yu Chu opened his eyes without any fuss, and kicked away the person lying beside the bed.

The original owner's skills were extraordinary, and the woman was kicked fiercely and hit the bed frame heavily, with blood on the corner of her lips.

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