100 Ways to Get the Male God

1223. Chapter 1223 Female Honored Lady (2)


The crying below stopped.

Everyone looked at the bed in disbelief, and after the initial stunned shock, they were ecstatic.

"General! You're all right!" On the other side, a staff general who had not cried and had a tense face finally opened his eyes and wept with joy.

The poisoned lieutenant fell to the end of the bed, with her back against the bed frame, with a look of astonishment as if she had seen a ghost, but her reaction was also fast, and she immediately rushed over, crawling under the bed, and kowtowed repeatedly, "General is fine. , General is fine, God bless, General..."

Still want to muddle through.

Yu Chu stood up straight, and the staff officer beside her would immediately step forward to support her, just to support her unconscious left hand, Yu Chu sat up with strength, and did not let others notice the strangeness of his arm.

There are lieutenant generals in this tent. Once they know that they are in trouble and their left arm cannot move, this group of people is likely to kill people.

Yu Chu did not practice martial arts at this time, and the original owner was weak, equivalent to a paper tiger.

What to do now is to make others think that they are real tigers. Once these people see the slightest weakness, they may act directly.

Yu Chu's expression remained unchanged, and he sat up naturally, with a smile on the corner of his lips.

Come and sing a good empty city plan.

She got out of bed, walked calmly, walked lightly to the table and chairs in the tent, and stood for a while.

She didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the tent became very dignified and tense. The lieutenant kneeling on the ground, the large beads of sweat rolled down his face, and pursed his dry lips.

A person from the same conspiracy camp next to him glanced at the lieutenant. The lieutenant understood the anxiety of the other party, but she herself was equally uneasy at this time, and there was nothing she could do.

How can the general be all right?

Is it really okay?

If the general is affected, then they may not have a chance of winning. They will kill people in the tent and kill the general's staff general and the following soldiers who are loyal to the general.

But in case the general is really fine...

Together, they are not the general's opponents, and rash action is tantamount to throwing themselves into the net, and they are too long for life.

The sweat on the lieutenant's face was increasing.

In the suffocating silence, the general finally spoke slowly, and the exit was a sentence that shocked everyone, "Lieutenant General Zhang, you still don't plead guilty?"

Lieutenant General Zhang felt cold all over her body, and her lingerie was soaked with cold sweat. She knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Confession? The last general doesn't understand what the general meant..."

Yu Chuchao looked at the staff next to him.

The staff general was also slightly surprised.

She and the lieutenant followed the general for many years, and this incident was also kept in the dark, and she didn't know what happened.

Yu Chu smiled, "Counselor Chen, you didn't expect that it would be Lieutenant General Zhang who would harm me in the end."

Deputy General Zhang was sweating even more in an instant, while Staff Officer Chen stayed for a few seconds, then knelt down and said: "This subordinate is stupid, please make it clear..."

Yu Chu said: "I asked you to pay attention to my diet today, do you know why?"

Staff Officer Chen was stunned.

Mind your diet?

The general did not say such an order today!

For a moment, like a flash of lightning, the tacit understanding over the years made her knock immediately, "General, it turns out that you asked me to pay attention to my diet today, just to be careful..."

"Both the stolen goods," Yu Chu said slowly, turning his head with a smile and looking at Lieutenant General Zhang, who was ashes beside him, "Lieutenant General Zhang, don't you plead guilty?"

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