100 Ways to Get the Male God

1234. Chapter 1234 Female Honored Lady (13)


There was a hint of shyness on his face.

Bai Liming is dressed up today, the traces on her forehead match her rosy cheeks, and the most popular lip makeup is on her lips.

Actually, dark red was the most popular in the capital a while ago, but in the first half of the month, someone happened to meet Qu Shizi who was going out, and saw a young man who never wears makeup, with light red lips that day.

Although I don't know why His Royal Highness put on makeup that day, but the people I met felt amazing, so this light lip makeup became popular in the capital.

Although Bai Liming was jealous of Qu Heng, he put on light-colored lip makeup, which really looked better than the previous color, so he also imitated this light-colored makeup look.

I came to see General Chu Li today. He had been dressing for a long time, and he just wanted to make the general fascinated by him.

Moreover, women don't like men who are arrogant and domineering, and like gentle and obedient men. In order to leave a good impression, Bai Liming deliberately walks in a virtuous manner, and naturally he will not be angry because the other party does not see him.

Chu Li is a general, and a general is of course very busy.

He followed the soldiers to the tea pavilion shyly, but Chu Ting had no choice. Seeing that Bai Liming had already spoken, she could not offend the young master, so she had to hold her breath and go with her.

At this time, in the palace of the county king, the bamboo shadow swayed and the sound was rustling.

The sound of the wind is light, and it feels very quiet.

The prince of the county dropped a chess piece and looked at the boy opposite, "Heng'er, how did you feel when you saw General Chu Li last time? Are you still happy with her?"

The young man tied up the ink and held it with a clear hairpin. At the neckline of the white neck, delicate embroidery in light gold outlined a sense of dignity.

He lowered his eyes, his long and thick eyelashes covered the bottom of the broken eyes, he heard the words and smiled slightly.

"The general is good."

The clear voice said lightly, and he fell down.

The county prince sighed, "The mistress takes your marriage very seriously."

Qu Heng didn't speak anymore, but the corners of Qian Fei's lips curled up in a mockery.

His mother, since his father's accidental disfigurement, has never taken the initiative to care about their father and son.

If it weren't for the benefits of marriage with his face, I'm afraid this mother would have ignored him long ago.

However, in front of his father, Qu Heng did not say that, but nodded lightly, "I know."

His father revolved around his mother all his life. After disfigurement, he even personally found a beautiful man for his mother as a concubine, and felt guilty that he could not serve his mother.

The county prince glanced at him and said softly: "My father hopes that you can marry a good family, and that woman should treat you well... But your mother only wants you to marry into a high family."

Qu Heng smiled slightly.

With his face, wouldn't his mother feel a pity if he didn't marry a high sect to seek asylum?

"If you like General Chu, it's a good thing, but now that General Chu is in a high position, how can you handle yourself?" The county prince looked worried.

The young man pursed his lips and fell silent.

Since the last meeting on the ship, the general has not seen him again in half a month.

The father and son were silent for a while.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the bamboo forest. The two looked up together and saw that the prince was walking towards here with a servant.

The county prince suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, and quickly stood up to greet him, "Mother...why are you here?"

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