100 Ways to Get the Male God

1235. Chapter 1235 The lady is a lady (14)


The mistress hadn't taken the initiative to see him for a long time.

The joy of the prince was beyond words, he hurriedly saluted, and carefully helped the woman.

The mistress had always been impatient with his approach, but this time she let him hold her arm and smiled at him.

"I haven't been to your place for more than a month. I'll go to your room tonight. How have you been recently?" the mistress said gently.

The county prince was instantly flattered, and his voice unconsciously lowered his voice: "I'm fine, thanks to my mistress's concern... Heng'er has been thinking about her mother all the time."

Qu Heng raised his eyes beside him, his expression unchanged.

The Mistress of the Qu family looked at the beautiful and moving boy, nodded with satisfaction, and praised, "As expected of the child you taught, Heng'er has always been the most outstanding in this capital."

The county prince said softly, "It's you who taught your son well."

He was always obedient, gentle and considerate, and the mistress's expression also softened, "I remember last time you said there was a Linglong chess game, and I happen to be free today, why don't we play a game together."

The county prince immediately nodded, "Okay."

"You've lost weight these days, but you need to make up for it, and instruct the kitchen to assign a chef to you, and let them cook if you want to eat." The mistress said with concern.

"Yes." The county prince replied.

The Mistress of the Qu family turned to look at Qu Heng and said, "Just now, General Chu sent someone to report that the general has something to do with you. Heng'er, you had a good talk with the general last time, why didn't you tell your mother? "

The boy was stunned for a moment, and when he heard that the man invited him, a little joy appeared in his heart.

But seeing his mother's pleasing appearance, he felt a hint of coldness in his heart again, and pursed his lips and did not speak.

The Mistress of the Qu family didn't mind either, and said with a smile: "Then you can go, I'll play chess with your father here."

The county prince also looked at the boy.

Qu Heng nodded, then lowered his eyes and left the bamboo forest. When he saw the military subordinates waiting outside the courtyard, he smiled politely.

Women who live in the army all year round have never even met men, let alone such a good-looking man.

The soldier blushed suddenly and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, please."

"What is the general looking for me for?" Qu Heng asked.

"The general only said that His Highness should come over." The soldier said respectfully.

Qu Heng followed her two steps, suddenly stopped again, and turned to say, "Wait, I'm going to pick up something."


On the training ground of the military camp, Yu Chu waited for a long time before someone came to report: "General, His Royal Highness is here."

She put down the tea, "please."

The slender boy walked over under the leadership of the soldiers. Except for the woman who was concentrating on practicing martial arts, everyone else was stunned and followed his footsteps intently.

When he was out, Qu Heng wore a top fence, and the spun yarn covered his face, and he could vaguely see the white neck and the delicate light gold embroidery on the neckline.

He came to the front, and after saluting, his eyes swept across her face, then lowered his head and took out the food box, pursing his lips.

"This is what I made...cake. Would you try it?"

He frowned, a little embarrassed.

In fact, it is very tangled to make coarse grains. Unsightly food cannot be virtuous, but too much pursuit of good-looking, and it seems very exaggerated, but it does not look like coarse grains.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the food box, the young man took off the lid with his slender and fair fingers, revealing the delicate food underneath.

"You did this yourself?" She was a little surprised.

The other party glanced at her and nodded slightly.

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