100 Ways to Get the Male God

1255. Chapter 1255 The lady is a lady (34)


"Sister Chu Li, the prince treats you badly, so you don't have to pretend to be harmonious." Huangfuling sighed, "I won't laugh at you."

Yu Chu was too lazy to speak.

After a while, the noble ladies of the book club arrived in twos and threes, and everyone glanced at Yu Chu as if nothing had happened, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

Li Zhu stood beside his seat, smiled at Yu Chu, and then talked to the other ladies.

Yu Chu thought with his knees and knew what the group of people were talking about.

She looked out the window.

When the morning came, the sky was slightly overcast. At this time, the sky was clear, but the clouds were thick.

Halfway through the class, it started to rain.

Yu Chu was writing a post-reading essay when he heard the patter of rain outside the window. He turned his head to look, and sighed slightly.

In the verdant green, the sound of rain is pattering and quiet, and the lines of the distant mountains are like thick ink outlines in a painting.

this weather...

She sighed again.

Mr. Hanzhi just turned to her, his eyes caught a glimpse of her stop writing, his knuckles tapped the ruler lightly, and said lightly: "Concentrate."

A few students nearby laughed lowly.

Everyone obviously likes to criticize General Chu Li.

Yu Chu glanced at them, put down the pen in his hand, and said with a smile, "The student has finished writing."

Mr. Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.

She didn't speak, lowered her head and removed the ruler, gently picked up Yu Chu's paper, and glanced down.

"Students are generals after all. Sir, let the feeling of writing the art of war be written quickly." Yu Chu turned his brush beside him.

Mr. Hanzhi glanced at her, "It's well written, but you should also concentrate. What are you looking at?"

The general paused for a while, lowered his head and sighed, and said softly, "The student is thinking, it's raining now, and the prince probably won't come."

Saying that, she shook her head regretfully.

"..." Mr. Hanzhi was silent for a while, then turned to glance at the others.

Because Yu Chu lowered his voice, no one heard those words.

"Concentrate." The old man thought it was a little funny, he didn't say much harsh words, he just said something lightly.

This morning, the ladies of the book club were calm and did not make trouble.

They don't like generals who are too high-profile, and there is a subtle jealousy in them. But the legends of the generals are very scary, and for a while, no one went to trouble immediately.

At the end of a morning lecture, it was General Chu Li's article that was most liked by his husband.

The ladies are very delicate.

After the lecture, they had to eat in the courtyard behind the school and could not go back until the end of the day.

The waiters opened umbrellas for their young lady.

Only Yu Chu was left behind.

Li Zhu, who was beside the eaves, was about to leave, but stopped when he saw this, and said with a half-smile, "Where's the general's attendant?"

Yu Chu opened an umbrella by himself, "Let him go back."

Another lady stopped beside Li Zhu and said with a smile, "The general is really used to suffering. Suddenly, I'm afraid he can't adapt to the lives of noble girls."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, but suddenly smiled again, put down the umbrella in his hand, and signaled the winding mountain road below, "He's here."

She suddenly said this, and everyone looked up together, thinking it was her servant.

In the vast five rains, a man walked slowly with an umbrella.

The figure is slender and beautiful, and the snow-colored clothes are hem, but it does not look like a waiter.

Li Zha was the first to widen his eyes.

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