100 Ways to Get the Male God

1256. Chapter 1256 The lady is a lady (35)


Qu Heng did not expect that he would come by such a coincidence.

The edge of the umbrella was slightly lifted, and he saw the rainwater dripping down the corner of the school building not far away. A group of ladies stood under the eaves, with the waiter holding the umbrella, all of them staring at him with wide eyes. Come.

The young man frowned slightly, then returned to his indifferent mood, walked forward silently, stopped a few steps away from the women, and did not go forward.

In the black shadow of the distant mountains, the young man's eyebrows are delicate, and his eyes full of broken stars droop slightly, "General."

Li Zhu glared at him stubbornly.

The ladies behind looked shocked.

Huangfu Ling was also stunned, looked at the young man in disbelief, then turned to look at the smiling general.

Yu Chu curled his lips forward, and the boy gently moved the umbrella, letting the girl walk to his side and stop.

Yu Chu put away his umbrella and smiled at the stunned women under the eaves.

Qu Heng gently tilted the umbrella towards her, the corner of the boy's snow-colored clothes was slightly wet, he raised his hand, and under the shocked gaze of the person opposite, he took the shoulders of the person next to him.

"Be careful." The boy's voice was soft.

No one had heard Qu Heng's tone of voice before.

After he finished speaking, his clear eyes lifted slightly and glanced at the people under the eaves.

The same cold look.

Yu Chu calmed down and smiled at him, "Okay, let's go, to the courtyard in the back mountain."

The boy nodded slightly, and the two turned to leave together.

Huangfu Ling blinked his eyes with difficulty, seeing the backs of the two people on the opposite side, he still felt a little illusory.

She glanced at the women around her.

Li Zhu obviously couldn't even maintain his expression.

Huangfuling felt a little relieved suddenly, bowed his head and coughed, and walked out first, and said to the two people in front: "Hey, wait for me."

She chased after the two of them, and then smiled and said, "Why did His Highness come today?"

She still didn't give up trying to find out.

Was Qu Heng asked to come, or did he want to come?

In her exploratory eyes, the young man bent his eyes and smiled: "Send lunch. The general likes what I do."


Huangfu Ling choked for a while before finally believing that the prince was willing to come, and he was very willing.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to make lunch with your own hands?

And even laughing...

She couldn't help but glanced at the young man's smile, and then looked at Yu Chu strangely, admiring it in her heart.

The general is also great...

Yu Chu's expression was no different, silently thinking about the book club's future plans.

Qu Heng glanced at her sideways and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since that day's kiss in the Imperial Garden, the general has never had any more intimate behavior with him. I am afraid that any man does not want his wife to be so indifferent to him, as if he has no desire.

The boy frowned slightly, thinking about the problem.

Before he came, my father said that he looked too serious and cold to be approached. If the owner of the wife respects his wishes, he may not violate the rules.

Then this image may need to be broken.

After all, he likes to be close to his wife.

I don't want to be cold-hearted.

When the three arrived at the courtyard behind, Huangfu Ling followed them unconsciously and sat together in the pavilion outside the courtyard. The waiter set the lunch for her, but she waved her hand away.

She glanced at the lunch presented by the boy, and looked at Yu Chu enviously, "General is really lucky."

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