100 Ways to Get the Male God

1257. Chapter 1257 The lady is a lady (36)


Qu Heng glanced at her and ignored her, and put the tableware in front of Yu Chu thoughtfully, "General, please use it."

Yu Chu raised his head and glanced at him, "A-Heng, the marriage contract has been made, you can call me the wife master from now on."

Huangfu Ling, who was eating across from him, was stunned for a moment, biting his chopsticks and turning his head to look at Qu Heng.

Qu Heng was also slightly stunned, then nodded with a bowed eye, and said in a cold voice, somewhat obedient, "Master wife."

Huangfu Ling finally felt that sitting here was a bit redundant.

But she used to regard the prince as her dream lover, so she left by herself and let the two people develop their relationship, she felt a little unwilling.

So she stayed still, biting her chopsticks and looking at the two people opposite, "Chu Li, I haven't asked you yet, what kind of ecstasy soup did you give your husband today, she treats you like her own daughter."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows. "Have it?"

Huangfu Ling said depressedly: "You don't know what Mr. Hanzhi looks like. He was so nice to you today. Did you see that look in Li Zhu's eyes? I can't wait to tear you apart."

Yu Chu took a sip of his meal and was stunned when he heard these words, "It's okay for her to care about A-Heng, but even Mr. Hanzhi?"

The quiet Qu Heng beside him blinked.

Huangfu Ling gloated, "Isn't it true, Li Zhu tried his best to get Mr. Hanzhi's respect, but Mr. Han is extremely difficult to please, what do you think?"

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing.

Qu Heng suddenly stretched out his hand, lightly rubbed the corner of her lips with her fair fingertips, and bent her eyes, "Master wife eat slowly."

His action was very natural, but the other two girls in the pavilion were stunned, and then silently blushed.

Huangfu Ling slammed his mouthful of food, and was extremely envious.

Such a beautiful and considerate husband, where can I find it?

She had just felt pity for Li Zhu not getting Qu Heng, but now, she really has to feel pity for herself.

Yu Chu coughed slightly, and wiped the corners of his lips with a handkerchief, "I wrote a book all morning, I'm hungry."

The beautiful young man beside him narrowed his eyes slightly.

Actively approaching, it seems to be very effective.

The wife's face was a little red.

His mind moved slightly, turned his head to look at Huangfu Ling, "Your Highness Princess, look behind you."

Huangfu Ling didn't expect the beauty to suddenly talk to him, and turned around to look behind him in a daze.

Yu Chu also looked behind Huangfu Ling in surprise, but saw nothing.

Just when she was about to turn her head to ask Qu Heng, the boy had already leaned over, his lips softly pressed against the corner of her lips, and then he stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked it lightly.

"There's nothing." Huangfu Ling turned around blankly, and saw the two people in front of him.

She asked Qu Heng in confusion: "What did you just say? I didn't see anything."

The other party lowered his eyes and smiled, took a sip from the soup bowl, "It's nothing, I was wrong."

The general coughed.

Huangfu Ling looked at Yu Chu again in confusion, "Chu Li, why are you looking a little wrong..."

The general denied it: "No, you read it wrong."

Huangfu Ling looked back and forth at the two of them inexplicably, but could not see any other clues, so he had to continue eating.

Qu Heng turned his eyes sideways and stared at Yu Chu thoughtfully.

Active and effective.

So, if you work hard in this direction, the wife will take the initiative to get close to him sooner or later.

A thought flashed across the young man's eyes.


Yu Chu has always felt that he was being seduced recently. I don't know if it was an illusion.

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