100 Ways to Get the Male God

1258. Chapter 1258 Female Honored Lady (37)


Her days at the book club were peaceful. But since Qu Heng came to look for him that day, the unfriendly gaze of the book club has become more and more.

As expected, Mr. Hanzhi never cared about the book club's affairs, and always got up and left after teaching.

Fortunately, these days, the book club is also calm.

Until a week later, it was still rainy weather, Yu Chu came to the school alone with an umbrella.

She arrived a little late that day. When she walked to her seat, she saw that her desk was completely unrecognizable. The articles she wrote yesterday were full of ink, and some of them were dripping on the ground along the snow-white paper.

The book club, which was a bit noisy at first, became quiet at this time, and the playful ladies all squinted at her with a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

They didn't dare to really do anything to the general, it was just a little prank, it was just an outburst.

Yu Chu's expression didn't change, he lightly removed the intact things, then looked at the blackened article and raised his eyebrows slightly.

For her who has experienced various worlds, this is indeed a small prank.

However, it does not mean that there is no need to fight back.

She looked at the bookmarks that were also soaked in ink on the table.

Bookmarks are exquisite woodcuts.

It was sent by Qu Heng.

I put it in after reading the book yesterday, and when I got home, I dropped the book and the bookmark.

It's late again today.

Maybe it was someone who saw this bookmark and decided to prank them by splashing ink.

Yu Chu lightly picked up the bookmark.

Huangfu Ling, who was next to him, came over, frowned and glanced at the messy desk, and said in a low voice, "I saw this as soon as I arrived... Mister is coming soon, I will help you, quickly clean up, let Mister see this It's messy, but it doesn't matter who did it."

The general put down the bookmark and turned to look at her: "Huangfu Ling."

"...Ah?" Huangfu Ling was a little dumbfounded.

From childhood to adulthood, apart from Her Majesty the Queen, no one dared to call Her Royal Highness the dignified princess by her first name.

The person in front of her looked away, stared at the other people in the school lightly, and said to her, "Go and drag Mr.

"...Ah? Procrastination?" Huangfuling felt that his brain was not enough, and stammered and repeated.

"Come on." The girl frowned impatiently.

As soon as she showed her impatient look, Huangfuling turned around subconsciously and went out. It wasn't until she walked out of the school that she came back to her senses and slowly stopped, "No, why am I afraid of her..."

But she stopped for a few seconds, and walked forward anyway.

...Forget it, let's be obedient and hold Mr. General's temper, it's really a bit scary.

The school was silent at this time, and the dudes looked a little stiff, but they were not afraid.

This is Hanshan Book Club.

It is Mr. Hanzhi's school.

The students here are all first-class ladies, even if Chu Li is a general, how dare he do something to them?

Besides, they didn't do anything extravagant, just a little prank. Even if they were traced afterwards, it would only be said that they accidentally flipped the ink.

How could Chu Li dare to take revenge for this small mistake?

Everyone didn't move, and their expressions were a little subtle.

Yu Chu lightly picked up the paper soaked in ink, left his position, and came all the way to Li Zhan.

Li Zhu grinned, shook his head and said, "General Chu Li, I didn't do this, you don't have to ask me."

The girl general looked at her, "I know you didn't do it."

Li Zhu nodded with satisfaction, "General, you better hurry up and pack up, wait for the gentleman to come and see..."

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