100 Ways to Get the Male God

1259. Chapter 1259 Female Honored Lady (38)


"I didn't even plan to ask you."

The girl narrowed her eyes, lightly lifted the paper in her hand, and slapped her face with a slap.

Li Zhu's grinning face was caught off guard, and his expression instantly froze.

There was silence all around.

There was a lady who stood up in shock.

Li Zhu grabbed the paper on his face, and the ink-stained face had a grim expression, almost squeezing the other person's name out of his teeth, "Chu-Li!"

But just as she gritted her teeth, the general caught the piece of paper and put it into her mouth. Then one hand squeezed her chin, forcing her to open her mouth, and the other hand calmly stuffed the ballast. go in.

The edges and corners of the ruler were cold, and the feeling of blocking his mouth was absolutely unpleasant. Li Zhu burst into tears in an instant, opened his eyes wide, and stared at Yu Chu in disbelief.

The ladies were all in a daze, and before they could react, they saw the general stretch out his hand indifferently, the tip of the dagger popped out of the wrist guard, and the knife almost fell from his hand. In a short moment, Li Zhu's head was chopped off. break.

"Today, whoever leaves this door will end up with her."

Yu Chu lowered his eyes and let go, his head fluttering to the ground.

Needles could be heard in the audience, and some people couldn't help but swallow their saliva, as if their feet were nailed to the ground.

The general with iron-blooded wrists, everyone has only heard rumors about her. According to legend, just after returning from the border, he killed the lieutenant of the rebel army without changing his face, and ordered to kill all the remnants without blinking, killing chickens and monkeys.

But these are only heard.

It wasn't until now standing here, with the rainy weather outside, that everyone saw the prime minister's junior Li Zhu, whose mouth was blocked by the ruler, and the heads scattered all over the floor.

Even if there is no blood.

The cool wind blows cold on the back.

It's just such a small prank, but they think, maybe, the general really dares to kill.

"Yes, she did it!" One of them swallowed and quickly pointed out one.

The lady who was pointed turned pale, glared angrily at the person she pointed at, and then quickly turned to look at Yu Chu.

"No, no, General... I just accidentally flipped the ink... I, I'll explain to Mr. myself later." She said cautiously.

The general released Li Zhu.

When the ruler fell to the ground, Li Zhu immediately supported the table and covered his mouth in discomfort, his face pale.

His lips had been cut by the edge of the ballast.

Her head was cut off, but now she is a little powerless to even get angry, and she only feels cold in her hands and feet. When she took out the dagger just now, she almost thought she was going to die.

"Come here." Yu Chu beckoned to the noble girl.

In the silent school, no one spoke.

The noble girl was a little stiff and walked slowly to the general.

"I..." She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, she was kicked by the person in front of her.

Everyone watched helplessly, the noble woman slammed into a row of tables, spit out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed beside the fallen table, her face pale.

Yu Chu walked over.

In an unprecedented silence, she grabbed the man's head, lifted him up, and faced everyone else, "Look, this end, if you mess with me in the future, it won't be as simple as it is today."

She glanced at the lady who had been lifted up, then threw her down lightly, then picked up the bookmark on the table and turned to go out, leaving behind the silent school and a group of dudes who were stiff with fear.

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