100 Ways to Get the Male God

1263. Chapter 1263 The lady is a lady (42)


The movement of the spoon sinking into the tub was silent.

The feeling of the fingertips touching the shoulders was extremely irritating, but Yu Chu's perception was only concentrated on the back of the neck at this time, and he felt the other person's lips gently downward, sliding down a little along the line of the back of the neck.

Breathing is still slow.

Yu Chu's breathing was quicker, and an unusually numb feeling rose up in his back, as if a slight electrified shudder was shed from the lips of the teenager.

The mist rising from the bathtub also made people's brains slightly blurred. Yu Chu felt that the slender fingers of the young man behind her moved down along her shoulders, softly covering the downward arc.

The general stretched out his hand to hold his fingertips and took a slight breath, "A-Heng?"

The man behind stopped.

Yu Chu turned his face and met a pair of beautiful eyes drenched in mist, staring at her without blinking. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

His hand was caught by her, and water droplets dripped from his fingertips, but the owner of the hand said nothing.

Yu Chu looked at him for a few seconds, and then decided decisively, what to abide by etiquette... Forget it.

The beauty is currently... In a few days, I will get married, and it doesn't make much difference between a few days and a few days.

She turned and let go of his hand.

The young man blinked his eyes, as if he had just regained his senses, and realized what had happened. His eyelashes twitched a few times, pursed his lips and stepped back, staring at her with blushing cheeks, his eyes wide open.


The young man stammered two words. Before Yu Chu could say anything, he suddenly took a step back, turned around and walked out of the screen. The corners of his snow-colored clothes were slightly lifted, and he fled the room.

"..." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu blinked.

There was the sound of the door closing indiscriminately from outside, followed by the sound of footsteps leaving quickly, Yu Chu tilted his head, suddenly laughed, picked up the spoon by himself, sighed, and continued to take a leisurely bath.

Qu Heng went back to his room, closed the door, and stood quietly for a while.

The heat on his face dropped slightly, he coughed lowly, raised his fingers and looked at it.

The temperature of the fingertips dipping into the water seems to remain in memory. And that smooth arc...

The boy's fair cheeks turned red again, his back was against the door, and he lowered his eyes for a moment.

I just came back to my senses in the general's room... I realized what I did, and I didn't know what to do at that moment, so I had to... run away.

Is this a successful seduction?

There was a trace of doubt in the boy's eyes, and then he was determined in a low mood, as if he had been seduced.

He sighed lowly and left the door.


Not once, but next time.


Getting up the next day, Yu Chu practiced swords in the yard for a while, and turned around when he heard the sound of the door next to him.

The eyes of the two collided, and Qu Heng's eyelashes twitched before he regained his senses, and his gaze fell on the sword drawn by the girl.

He paused, squinted his eyes, stepped forward and asked with a smile, "If your wife is free, can you teach me a few tricks?"

Yu Chu observed his expression.

The boy's expression was natural, and he didn't seem to mind the awkwardness of last night.

She breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Okay. Now that you are free, do you want to try it?"

She passed the sword in her hand.

The boy's slender fingers took over the hilt of the sword, and Yu Chu's eyes fell on his hands, feeling that the hands were slender and beautiful, as if they were born to hold swords.

However, if this is modern, these hands must be beautiful for playing the piano or gaming.

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