100 Ways to Get the Male God

1264. Chapter 1264 The lady is a lady (43)


She curved the corners of her lips slightly, and adjusted the position in his hand, "Take it like this... yes."

She taught a few moves, and the teenagers followed them one by one, but lowered his eyes, a little carelessly.

His eyes glanced at the girl, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, he deliberately made a wrong move, and the general stepped forward to correct it: "No, it's like this..."

Her hand held his hand holding the hilt of the sword, the boy stumbled under his feet, Yu Chu was caught off guard, his back was against the tree behind, but a hand covered the back of her head, so that the back of her head did not hit the tree trunk .

The sword's edge fell to the ground, leaving only two people's eyes looking at each other, each other's soft breaths close at hand.

Qu Heng's eyes moved slightly.

So close... it should be the best distance to seduce people. Will the wife want to get close?

The boy's indifferent gaze remained calm, staring at the general in front of him. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu felt the other party's fragrant breath pouring out, blinked his eyes, and gently pushed him away, "Are you still learning?"

It's weird, I really feel like I'm being teased recently.

The teenager was pushed away, took a few steps back obediently, lowered his eyelashes, "Well... Forget it, later."

"it is good."

Yu Chu picked up the sword and smiled at him.

She turned around and walked out of the courtyard, Qu Heng followed slowly, and finally made up her mind, turned to look at the waiter beside her, and said in a low voice, "Go get some... wine."

The waiter bowed and stepped back.

In the evening, Yu Chu looked at the pot of wine placed by the waiter, and raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Do you want to drink?"

Qu Heng glanced at the jug of wine, and nodded hesitantly, "... um." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

I haven't had it before, but I should be able to drink a little. Every time it was unsuccessful because of nervousness, it should be natural to drink a lot.

The slender fingertips held the wine glass, and after pouring the wine, the young man handed it over, "The wife and master read books and practice swords here every day, and sleeps very late. It's still early today, so it's okay to drink some wine."

Yu Chu took the wine glass and smiled slightly.

Qu Heng took a sip from the wine glass, frowned slightly, and blinked twice.

In just a short moment, a lavender flashed in the boy's eyes, but just as this color appeared, his eyes instantly became confused, and he put down the wine glass in a daze.

The Lord God did not expect that the chance to wake up this time was drunk. Moreover, he woke up just after being drunk, and he didn't even have a chance to avoid it.

His gaze was calm and silent, silently staring straight ahead without saying a word.

Yu Chu also took a sip of wine and put down the glass, only to realize that the other party seemed to be too quiet.

She raised her eyebrows, "A-Heng?"

This sound awakened the stunned person, and the young man turned his eyes flatly, stared at her for a moment, and then said, "Why are you here?"

Yu Chu was stunned and frowned, "Why am I not here? What's wrong with you?"

The other party did not answer.

His gaze was unbelievably calm, like a ruthless and lustless deity, looking down at all beings casually, without any emotion at all.

This look makes one's mind a little nervous. If I had to describe it, it would be as if in the indifferent gaze of God, I sensed the humbleness and insignificance of ordinary life, and I couldn’t have the slightest idea of ​​confrontation.

Yu Chu frowned unconsciously.

She didn't like this look.

Too strong oppression makes people instinctively feel dangerous, like an ant being trampled underfoot.

After a brief silence, the young man opposite said lightly, "Why don't you go home?"

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