100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1280 Modern Blood Race (5)


The director whispered, "What will they do?"

The secret party replied: "We haven't seen the Demon King yet, so we can't be sure of his purpose, but if he wakes up, after a period of weakness, he will become the most powerful blood clan in the world, and we must find him."

"We can help," the director said, "but we need information on the target's shape."

The secret party man in black nodded.

In terms of mana, of course, humans can't compare with vampires, but in terms of technology, such as using network tracking, vampires can't compare with Secret Service anyway.

"He is very young," said the man in black from the secret party in a deep voice, "he was sealed when he was very young. Although it has been more than 1,200 years now, he still looks like a child... There should be only six age."

The director raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I was sealed when I was six years old?"

"It's six hundred years old," the secret party said, adding, "However, it's equal to six years old for humans. You don't know how scary the Demon King is. The power of the blood race has nothing to do with age. His power is unimaginable."

"Six-year-old...it's hard to find, we need as much detail as possible..."

The chief looked solemn.

If the Demon King had cast such a deep shadow on the members of the Secret Party when he was six years old, then today, more than 1,200 years after he was sealed, his destructive power will only increase. powerful.

Eighteen hundred years, exactly eighteen years of age, even though he was asleep for twelve hundred years.

"What's his name?"



Anrolios lifted the quilt and looked up at this small bedroom.

There are star chasing posters on the walls, and the desks are neatly tidy and orderly.

Although the Demon King, who has been sleeping for thousands of years, does not know what a poster is or what a desk is.

The white and tender child frowned, a dark red flashed in his black pupils, and his spiritual power flowed out invisibly. In a short period of time, he collected all the information of this world and filled it into his cognition.

He jumped out of bed.

Because he was six years old when he was sealed, he didn't feel uncomfortable using Anrolios. He tiptoed off the photo frame placed high up, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the black-eyed girl in the photo.

He climbed into the chair, sat down, opened the drawer, and pulled out a diary with the name on the cover, Fei Chu.

Borely flipping through two pages, the young vampire felt a little hungry, so he climbed out of the chair and walked out. According to the knowledge he had just filled into his brain, he accurately found the refrigerator in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to take a look.

An assortment of food.

He unconsciously wrinkled his delicate little brows, and after a while hesitantly took out a carton of milk, stuffed it into the straw and took a sip, his dark eyes lit up slightly.

He closed the refrigerator door, continued drinking milk, walked to the living room, and saw his own appearance in the mirror, with black eyes. This is a sign of weakness.

Anrolios raised his hand casually and threw the finished milk carton into the trash can.

What should he do with the humans living here? Killing will cause trouble. The public security order in this human society is perfect. Killing is a very serious matter here, and he doesn't want to attract attention now.

Maybe use some mana and make her a slave to help her through a few months of weakness.

Before Anroius had decided whether to kill or stay, the door at the entrance suddenly rang, and someone came back.

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