100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1281 of the modern blood family (6)


As the footsteps approached, Anluolis's white and tender hand rested on the sand armrest, tapped his index finger lightly, and squinted his eyes quietly thinking about countermeasures.

A slender figure walked in.

Her appearance was still the same as in the photo, without the slightest change, but the eyes of the two were facing each other, and Anrolios only saw peace.

He frowned slightly, a dark red flashed across his pupils, and quickly made a judgment in his mental power.

This person is not as simple as it seems. She has very strong skills. If he wants to subdue her, he can only use mana with his current strength in the weak period, but the side effects of mana are very great, and it will also attract enemies.

Moreover, she has a very strange power...it doesn't seem to come from this world.

A trace of doubt flashed in Anluolis's eyes. Although he was still a young vampire, he had actually slept for over a thousand years. When everything went against him, the little vampire quickly made a decision.

He jumped off the sand, blinked his big beautiful eyes, and said sweetly, "Sister, did you save me?"

The girl glanced at him, but did not show a look of affection and doting on his face as the little vampire expected. Instead, she didn't respond: "Oh, do you see anyone else here?"


The Demon King's expression stopped slightly.

Yu Chu walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

The six-year-old cutie hurriedly followed behind her, Bai Nen's little hand was clinging to the door, and she pointed her head obediently and said, "Sister, I'm very hungry, so I drank a can of milk..."

Yu Chu looked at him, and the other party flashed his long eyelashes, "I didn't throw it away after drinking, just put it in the trash can."

Yu Chu ignored him, opened the snack cabinet on one side, took out a bag of potato chips and opened it, then turned around and asked the child, "What's your name?"

The naming methods of all the countries flashed through his mind, An Luoluos blinked his eyes and chose a name that matched his appearance, "An... An Luo."

Yu Chu came over, "Where is your home?"

She handed the child a bag of chocolate balls.

The child froze for a moment, stretched out two small white hands to take it, held it in front of him, and shook his head weakly.

Yu Chu glanced at his little hand holding the packaging bag, which was white and tender, with cute fingers. Looking at the well-behaved expression on the child's beautiful face, Yu Chu wondered if he was too serious and scared the child.

She slowed down and said kindly, "Where is your home? Tell me, I can take you home."

The other party whispered: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Yu Chu frowned.

The child blinked with clear black and white pupils, looked up innocently and pitifully, and looked at her.

Although such a small child looks very well-behaved, Yu Chu still has no communication experience. However, he is too young, and if the building is far from home, it is normal to not know the road.

"Then do you remember Mom and Dad's phone numbers? Try to think, we can contact them."

She patiently took the bag in the child's hand, opened it, and put a chocolate candy between his lips.

Anrolios was on guard for a moment, but a strange and familiar fragrance came from the other's fingers. The chocolate entrance melted into a sweet and slightly bitter taste. He took a bite and took the bag that the other party handed back.

"Remember?" Yu Chu asked.

Anrolios re-stuffed the candy by himself, biting while watching her, shaking his head obediently.

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