100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1285 of the modern blood family (10)


That strange feeling came again.

This beauty...

What kind of parents do you need to have such a lovely child? And also has a very good personality.

Yu Chu was a little curious, but he didn't care too much. Anyway, when it came to the weekend, he sent him away.

She pressed Anrolios onto the bed and dried her head with a hairdryer, all the while he kept staring at her with those big eyes. After Yu Chu finished blowing his head, he glanced down at him and asked lightly, "What are you looking at?"

The child was stunned for a moment, and then replied sweetly and obediently, "Sister, you look so good-looking."

It smells good too.

He just looked at the shower gel and water she used, but they didn't have that smell on her.

Especially when blowing their hair, the two are very close, and the breath lingers around like perfume.

Anrolios is less averse to sharing a bed. He climbed into the bed, got into the quilt himself, scratched the quilt with his little hands, and blinked at her.

Later, the little vampire saw in amazement that the girl spread out another quilt and lay on the bed.

She reached out to turn on the lamp, turned her head and met his eyes, "Go to sleep, little An Luo."

Anlorius was slightly quiet, and then he drilled into the quilt, "Well... good night, sister."

He closed his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly opened his eyes again, rubbed in the direction of the girl, and whispered in a tender voice, "Sister, I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Yu Chu opened his eyes and looked at him.

Little Cutie seemed a little embarrassed, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she lowered her head and said softly, "I was a little hungry just now, so I drank another carton of milk..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at her eagerly, like a good baby who took the initiative to admit his mistake and waited for forgiveness.

Yu Chu was silent for a while, then said lightly, "Not just a carton of milk."

"Oh...and a chocolate." The child made all the moves immediately, and continued to blink.

Yu Chu put a smile on his lips and closed his eyes, "It's okay, go to sleep, but you won't be allowed in the future."

"Well." The child lay down again, with Bai Nen's little face buried in the pillow, "Sister, good night."

A few days passed peacefully.

Yu Chu went out every day during the day, and Xiao Anluo stayed at home alone. Yu Chu was a little worried at first, until she realized that this child was really good, and she never spoiled or complained about being bored at home.

A week later, when she was done with the matter at hand, she took him to the police station.

Anrolios watched indifferently as his information was uploaded, and the girl next to him asked, "Is it alright?"

The policeman said, "It's alright, the parents must have reported the case, and they can send him back in the shortest day."

"Okay, trouble."

Yu Chu smiled and said, looked down at the child, he also raised his head and stared at her without blinking.

Yu Chu frowned, turned and walked out the door.

Anrolios watched her go out, and then turned back to stare at the computer screen. After a short moment, the information was destroyed by mental power before it had time to upload.

After doing this, he suddenly jumped off the chair, pushed the person away and ran out, grabbed the girl's skirt, raised his head and asked, "Sister...you don't want me anymore?"

Yu Chu lowered his head and pulled his hand away, "An Luo, stay here, your parents will come to you."

"No," the child stretched his arms around her waist, "I want to be with my sister."

He raised his head, "I'm very good."

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