100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1286 of the modern blood family (11)


Yu Chu took his hand from his waist, "but you have to stay here and wait for your parents to pick you up."

She was very patient, like coaxing a child, but she had no intention of letting him follow her.

Her expression didn't change at all. Anlorius' hand was pulled away, his small body was taken two steps back, and he raised his head subconsciously: "Sister, I'm really good, I won't cause you any trouble..."

He carefully pulled the corner of the girl's clothes, like a small pet, and shook it with a flattering expression.

But in the dark and clear eyes, the girl's expression was reflected... She still didn't make any waves.

Anrolios's mood suddenly became gloomy.

He bit his lip, tugged at the corner of the girl's clothes with his little hand, and stared into her eyes without saying a word.

Is he not good enough?

Yu Chu rubbed his head, "If you're good, don't make trouble, just wait for your parents here."

She turned around again and walked out, the child quickly raised his hand and grabbed her hand, the two little hands were tightly held, he blinked his beautiful eyes, his expression seemed to be about to cry, and pitifully said: "Sister, I don't want to stay here. Here, I want to be with you..."

The tender voice begged in a low voice, with a hint of grievance hoarseness.

But this move failed to soften the girl's heart, she let go of his hand again, "Don't make trouble, little An Luo."

make trouble?

The child was stunned.

The hand was released, Anluolis' eyelashes trembled slightly, and he saw that the other party walked out of the police station without any hesitation.

He stood where he was and didn't follow, but a strange dark red slid across his dark pupils.

The policeman behind saw the child standing in the same place, as if aggrieved, and could not help but walk over and squat down to comfort: "Little boy, don't be afraid, wait here for a while, and Mom and Dad will come to pick you up."

Anlorius turned his head.

Seeing his calm and indifferent expression, the policeman was stunned. When she was saving that girl just now, this beautiful child was about to cry.

Anrolius glanced at him coldly, then returned to his seat by himself, climbed up and sat down without saying a word.

At night, no one came to claim it, and the police looked at the child in embarrassment.

He sat here for a day, with his head lowered almost motionless. The police station took the food, and he only drank a can of milk in silence.

The police had never seen such a quiet child.

"I'm on duty outside, can you sleep on the bench first?" The policeman spread his clothes patiently and motioned for the child to climb up and sleep first.

As the police walked out of the room and turned on the lights at the door, the room was suddenly pitch black.

Anrolios stared straight at the ceiling with his eyes open, motionless.

After a few minutes, he took off his clothes and jumped off the bench, his dark eyes staring at the closed door.

There was a sound of footsteps, the door was gently opened, and the man in black from the Demon Party knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty."

The six-year-old child's expression was indifferent, the light from outside the door shone in, and the white and tender face was half hidden in the shadows.

"What about people?" The Demon King's voice was flat.

The man in black glanced at each other, knowing that he was asking the policeman outside, and whispered, "I'm in a coma."

Anrolios didn't make a sound.

The men in black did not dare to look up in awe. At the age of 600, this man almost subverted the blood clan. Now that he has finally woken up, even the vampires of the Demon Party are still very afraid of him.

In the silence, the child's tender voice said, "This person..."

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