100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1303 modern blood family (28)


Time passed minute by minute.

The waiting time is always extraordinarily long.

Even the teacher couldn't help but worry, worried that the young child would be lost, wronged or something, but every time she looked at it, the child's expression was quiet and cold, as if she didn't care.

But this is just an appearance. The teacher noticed that the other party's blushing lips were tightly pursed, and his beautiful eyes kept staring in the direction of the door and never left.

She couldn't help feeling a little pity in her heart, and quickly comforted him: "An Luo, put down your schoolbag first, my sister may have something to do, so it's too late. Do you know my sister's phone number? The teacher can help you with a call."

Anrolios was silent for a few seconds, shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "...No."

The feeling of irritability is getting more and more obvious.

It's not impatient irritability, but an obvious unease, even a strange sense of grievance.

He raised his eyelashes, glanced at the door lightly, and a cold thought appeared in his heart.

When he takes her to the vampire castle—

She must be disciplined and let the blood servant know that she must not leave her master alone.

The child puffed out his white and tender cheeks, lowered his eyes and said nothing. In the teacher's eyes, there was a hint of sullenness and cuteness in this look.

She couldn't help thinking in her heart, when the parents come, she must persuade them, how could the parents not ask about such a beautiful and lovely child?

It also caused the child to be indifferent and ignored by anyone.

It's getting darker.

The delicate vampire bit her lips expressionlessly. The teacher began to feel that the surroundings were getting colder and colder. After a while, she raised her head inadvertently, but was shocked to see a pitch-black bat hanging upside down in the corner of the classroom, surrounded by bone wings. He held his body, as if shivering.

She was stunned and didn't know how she would see bats, this uncommon dark creature, in the classroom.

Just as he was about to take something to drive it away, there was a sound of footsteps in front of the door, and finally a slender figure gradually approached and walked in from the door.

The bat unfolded its bone wings, as if it had gained a new life, and flew into the already darkened sky outside.

Bai Nen's child immediately got up from his seat and walked over obediently.

I was full of irritability and even a little angry just now, but at this moment, there is only cleverness left.

Yu Chu touched his head, bent down and handed over a hamburger food bag, "Sorry, I'm late."

Anrolios stretched out his small hand, took the hamburger, and pursed his thin red lips, but did not speak.

The teacher stood up and said with some disapproval: "If you have something to do, you'd better ask someone else to pick up the child. Little Anluo has been waiting for you."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I see, there are some temporary things today, I will pay attention to it later."

The teacher was also distressed for the child, but after hearing her say that, she didn't care anymore, nodded, and said earnestly: "The child's education should be paid attention to, it will easily affect the character... The food should also be healthier, don't always eat fast food, yes Poor health."

Yu Chu coughed and nodded obediently. She has no experience in raising children, so of course she can only be taught obediently.

Anlorius, who was beside him, frowned slightly.

When she didn't come, he was also very angry, but at this time he didn't want to listen to other people's comments at all. He raised his small hand, blocked the girl behind him, raised his eyes and said lightly, "Sister is right in everything."

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