100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1304 of the modern blood family (29)


Yu Chu was stunned.

Even the teacher was stunned, but he didn't expect the child to protect the girl behind him like a calf.

After Anluolis finished speaking, he turned his head and looked up at the girl, Bai Nen took her clothes by the hem, and whispered comfortably: "It's alright, sister, I can wait for you for a while, as long as you come... just come. "

When he said these words, a trace of heartache suddenly appeared in his heart, vaguely.

It seems that in the past years, there was such a scene... The world with the sound of rain, the street washed by the rain... A telephone booth lit up at the corner of the street, a little girl sitting in the corner holding her knees...

His head suddenly hurt a lot, as if he could see the little girl's face vaguely from the fragmented memory...

She seemed to have a cold, quiet expression on her face, looking at him indifferently through the rain, without waves.

Anluolius suddenly grabbed the corner of the clothes of the person in front of him, raised his head as if begging for forgiveness, and emphasized again: "Sister is fine, I can wait for you for a long, long time."

Strange... It seems that I missed something, so I desperately tried to make up for it in the same way. For example, if you are willing to wait for a long time, you have no right to be angry no matter how long you wait.

Anrolios frowned and was slightly irritable - this feeling of helplessness when he did something wrong made him a little uneasy.

The girl bowed her head and smiled at him, not taking it to heart, "I'll come earlier next time."

The child bit his lip and stretched his arms to hug her in reliance, "Sister... let's go back quickly."

The teacher looked at the big and small in front of him, inexplicably feeling as if it really meant a couple - and it was quite uncommon, a very clingy and well-behaved little boyfriend, and a calmer girlfriend.

She had no choice but to say, "...it's getting late, then go home and rest early in the evening."

Yu Chu smiled at the teacher and took the child home. The next few days passed peacefully.

Yu Chu was never late again.

Little Anluo has become more obedient. He cooks obediently every day, and is so sensible that he doesn't look like a young child at all.

After a few days in peace, Yu Chu suddenly received a recall order from the Secret Service.

She went back to the Secret Service.

The Secret Service was located in the villa-style Capitol. As soon as she walked in, someone took her into an interrogation room and locked her in a chair.

There was another person in the interrogation room, Yu Chu glanced casually, it was Yili, who had not been seen for a long time.

As soon as Yili saw Yu Chu, she stared at her with resentful eyes, showing a very hateful expression.

There was a glass in front of them, and across the glass, the director looked at them with cold eyes.

Yu Chu thought secretly in his heart.

The original owner's position in the Secret Service Bureau is not high, but this time he was locked up for interrogation, and the director came in person, it seems that the problem is more serious.

But she didn't show any nervousness. For Yu Chu, it is not impossible to break away from the control of the Secret Service, it is even easy.

On the other side of the glass, the director said solemnly, "No. 023, the young man who appeared in the middle of your last assignment at the Wharton reception, do you know him?"

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head flatly.

Does that person have something to do with the Secret Service?

The director's eyes sharpened: "If you don't know each other, why did he ask you to accompany him?"

Yu Chu's hands were locked, and he said plainly, "I don't know, maybe he fell in love with me at first sight."


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