100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1308 Modern Blood Race (33)


She didn't think much about it, she played the role of a staff member responsible for scaring people, and suddenly jumped out from the corner, so that the girls immediately screamed, lost their souls, and screamed back again and again.

In the front area, there's a real staff member in a costume and ready to be scary.

But the tourists had already screamed like that before they got here, which made the staff feel a little chilly and couldn't help swallowing.

Yu Chu jumped out from the corner, thinking that everyone would be scared back, but unexpectedly, the person at the front of the team didn't move at all, so she jumped out and just bumped into the other side's arms.

The teenager stretched his arms around her, straightened her body, and then smiled slightly: "Meet again."

Hearing this familiar voice, Yu Chu's eyes moved slightly and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing here?"

No one behind them heard their conversation. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

At this time, everyone also reacted, that is, a staff member. The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Now looking at the two people in front of them, the staff who pretended to be ghosts and scary people, they slammed into the arms of the beautiful boy, and the other party was not frightened at all, and they looked down and smiled even with some tenderness.

The girls were inexplicably stunned.

"She seems to have sprained her foot," the beautiful young man turned back slightly, the profile of his profile was perfect, and his voice was not cold or indifferent, which was very pleasant, "I'll help her out here... You guys can go inside and finish playing."

Everyone lined up obediently and continued to move forward.

Several girls couldn't help but look back, looking enviously at the ghost who was supported by the beautiful young man.

Yu Chu didn't say a word, and only then did he repeat the question, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"You don't need to question me as soon as you meet."

Unexpectedly, on the beautiful face of the other party, the eyes were lazy, but there was a pitiful expression.

Yu Chu was unmoved, pushed him away gently, withdrew from his arms, and suddenly said, "Can you do me a favor?"

Anlorius raised his lips, "Are you saying you can help you deal with that vampire? I can..."

"No, I want you to pretend to be that blood clan." Yu Chu shook his head and looked at him, "However, your identity should also be a blood clan..."

The beautiful young man shrugged slightly, smiled at her and spread his hands, still carrying the elegance of a nobleman in his movements.

"Follow me." Yu Chu took his hand and led him in another direction. Anluolis lowered his eyes and glanced at the hands that the two held, and smiled slightly: "But...why should I help you?"

His tone was a bit playful, Yu Chu turned back and looked at him calmly, "Are you a blood clan? And you are still on the wanted list of the Secret Service. You have already caused me a lot of trouble. Help me once, there is nothing wrong with it."

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped, raised her eyes, and said lightly, "Forget it if you don't want to."

Saying that, he let go of his hand.

Anlorius blinked, and immediately reached out to hold her, "I didn't say I didn't want to. However, it would be better if you were willing to pay."

Before Yu Chu could react, he was pushed against the wall next to him, the slender body of the young man was covered, his thin lips bit her lips, and with a smile, he tossed and kissed softly.

It used to be every day that she secretly kissed after she fell asleep, and the feeling of awake kissing like now is really better. The boy's eyes darkened slightly.

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