100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1309 modern blood family (34)


After Yu Chu reacted, he stretched out his hand and quickly pushed the person away. After being pushed away, Anrolios still had an elegant smile on his face, licked his red lips, and said in a bewitching voice, "Okay, this is the reward."


Yu Chu didn't say anything, turned around and continued to walk forward. The young man stepped behind him with long legs and followed slowly, with a beautiful and slightly shy smile on his pale face, his eyes slightly brightened.

After every kiss, my cheeks get hot. But this shyness was not enough to stop him from acting.

When the two came to a remote place, Yu Chu turned around and explained the plan to the boy in a low voice.

Anrolios' expression was slightly weird, "You mean, let me scare your partner?"

He was a dignified demon king, and he had never been ordered like this before. And she is his slave...

Yu Chu nodded, "I didn't have you at first, I had other plans, but since you appeared, it was useful. Can you help?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt ;

The Demon King blinked, "...Help."

"Okay." Yu Chu patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't hand you over to the Secret Service."

"Really?" The boy's eyes flickered slightly, then he stepped forward gently, wrapped the girl in his arms, lowered his head and kissed again, then smiled softly, and said lazily, "This is thanks."


How could Yu Chu prevent him from having so many rogue moves. Her eyes flashed, but she didn't care about him, she turned around and went to find Yili.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years - wait until the next plane, if he returns to that innocent state, don't blame her for using these moves against him.

Anlorius still didn't know that he had been held vengeance, he stood there, his pale and slender fingers touched Yin Hong's lips, and he bent his eyes happily. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yili tremblingly followed the tourists a long way. She tried to find the bomb on her body, but found nothing.

When walking through the next room, someone behind her suddenly covered her mouth, stopped her silently, and then said, "Don't call, it's me."

Hearing that it was Yu Chu, Yili's tense nerves relaxed slightly. In the environment of the haunted house, the spirit is always a little nervous, and the wind and grass are very sensitive.

She took a breath and asked tremblingly, "Can you defuse the bomb on me now?"

Yu Chu looked at her and smiled happily: "You don't really think that I set a bomb?"

Eli was stunned.

Yu Chu didn't plan to say any more, and got up to leave here, "Let's go, I found traces of the blood clan in a place, let's go and see together."

Yili watched her walk away, and was stunned for a while before she shivered with anger, and said, "You lied to me?"

The voice gritted its teeth.

Thinking of her trembling journey just now, Yili felt that she had been played very thoroughly.

The girl in front hooked her lips and smiled, "Cheat? It's against the enemy, it's called a strategy, do you understand?"

"Enemies?" Yili said in a low voice and gloomy amusingly. After being tricked by Yu Chu, she has difficulty thinking now, her mind is full of gloomy emotions, she can't wait to tear Yu Chu into pieces immediately, "Since it is an enemy, why do you insist on coming back and come with me?"

The person in front said casually, "You want to know?"

Yili suddenly had a bad premonition, and stopped vigilantly, "I..."

Yu Chu looked back at her.

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