100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1310 Modern Blood Race (35)



She laughed suddenly, walked over slowly, stretched out her hand and pushed Yili into the back room.

"You are the bait."

Yili's eyes widened, and she fell into the room behind her. She got up in a panic, and the next second, she saw the silver-red-eyed vampire boy in the center of the room, looking at her with a smile that was not a smile.

Eli froze for a moment.

The face of the other party was too beautiful, she stared blankly for a few seconds, and then she was entangled by the entangled rose branch, and the barbs on the flower branch immediately scratched her body, and Yili came back to her senses.

Paradise was originally a European style, and the rose branches were loosely wrapped around the wall, but at this time they were wrapped around like life. Yili suddenly turned pale with fright and desperately begged for mercy, "No, don't kill me..."

No matter how beautiful the flower branch was, she couldn't help but raise fear, until the boy opposite waved his hand, a bat flew straight to her neck, and Yili screamed: "Help!"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt; \u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"No one can save you here." The young man laughed lowly, his burgundy pupils were eerily soft, and he said lazily, "The first one to come is my sacrifice."

"No, no," Yili wanted to shake her head, but the bloodstains from the barbs hurt, and she didn't dare to move, "There is another person outside! There is another one! She... you can kill her! Don't kill me... "

She finally understood why Yu Chu brought her here. She just wanted to sacrifice herself in order to distract the bloody teenager.

Yili's voice became hoarse, "Don't kill me, someone outside is here to kill you, you're the one who kills me, you should be careful about that person outside..."

The beautiful boy tilted his head, "Well...why do I believe you? You are an agent, and I am hostile to the Secret Service. You are the one who came to kill me?"

"No, no, no," Yili said immediately, "I was forced! Someone brought me here on purpose. She and I are enemies, and she is here to kill you!"

The young man blinked, as if he was thinking silently, and the rose branches stopped entwining.

Yili suddenly widened her eyes and stared at him expectantly, not daring to move.

"Why did she kill me?" The boy blinked, his long eyelashes trembling slightly.

"She's an agent..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man let out a low laugh, "Well, you too."

This whisper lingered in my ears, even in such a dangerous situation, Yili's face turned slightly red, and quickly said: "No, I don't want to help the Secret Service at all, you believe me, really..."

"Really?" The beautiful young man tilted his head again, and a gentle smile appeared on his thin lips.

Yili was stunned and muttered, "Of course it's true, I swear by my life..."

As soon as these words came out, the young man in front of him restrained his smile, raised his hand lazily, took something like a voice recorder from the side, and threw his lips to her feet gracefully, "Well, wait for the Secret Service to come to you. Bar."

Yili was stunned, and she didn't react for a while, staring blankly at the face of the young man in front of her.

But Anluolis was too lazy to explain to her. He walked out of the room lazily, closed the door, and said to the girl leaning outside, "It's done, how can I thank me?"

As he said that, he suddenly felt a little weird. He is the master, why do things for slaves?

And in order to do it well, I just seemed to deliberately use the beauty of this face to confuse people...

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