100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1313 modern blood family (38)


Yu Chu stared at him in surprise.

This guy's appearance is not ugly at all... The vampire bit someone just now, it opened his mouth wide, his fangs looked terrible, his eyes were crimson, and his facial features were slightly distorted from excitement.

But in front of this, probably because it can control appetite, so there is almost no loss of control.

His eyes are still pure wine red, his facial features are exquisite, and the snow-white fangs showing his lips are even a little cute. If you have a pair of plush ears on your head...

Yu Chu shook his head to wake himself up.

She looked at her hand being held by the other's slender fingers and wanted to resist, but inexplicably, after sticking out his lips from his fangs, there seemed to be a warm and ambiguous factor in the air, her body was slightly soft, It was difficult to move against the boy's arms.

"Hey, I said, your appetite isn't coming at the right time..." She tried to draw out her hand.

The young man held her in both hands, lowered his head, and his thin red lips held her fingertips, like a small animal, blinking his eyes and slowly grinding with his fangs.


A burst of numbness, like an electric shock, quickly ran from the fingers all over the body, causing people to tremble.

Yu Chu took a deep breath.

The girl who was being sucked blood outside seemed to have no such feeling and was still struggling.

Seeing that the boy's little fangs were about to bite his fingers, Yu Chu closed his eyes and pushed him hard: "Enough!"

Anrolios stopped and kissed her fingertips regretfully, but obediently did not bite again.

His fangs shrank back, and Yu Chu felt relieved that he had escaped from that strange state.

The vampire outside the mirror turned around vigilantly, his blood-red eyes narrowed slightly: "Who?"

Yu Chu frowned slightly and was about to run the martial arts, but Anluolius suddenly held her hand: "I'll take you to a place."

Um? Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded.

A black mist suddenly lingered around the two of them. One second before the successful teleportation, the girl who was being sucked by the vampire screamed and rushed over.

"help me……"

Her original intention was to just call for help, but she just happened to hit the last wisp of mist that had not yet drifted away...

The vampire outside the mirror stared blankly at the empty room, his fangs shrank back, his face pale.

If I read it right, it was just now—

Demon King? Anlorius?


After a long time, Yu Chu slowly opened his eyes.

There was a warm sun in front of him.

She covered her eyes with her hands, opened her eyes after getting used to the sun, and turned her head to look around.

Vampires... shouldn't they be afraid of the sun?

Where did he bring himself?


In front of you is an extremely spacious palace, the lattice floor-to-ceiling windows beside it are shining with sunlight, and the large princess bed is soft and covered dreamily by soft spun yarn.

What kind of fairy tale is this?

Yu Chu stayed for a while, then looked down at the clothes on his body - the silky smooth touch, the hem of the clothes was actually fluffy and beautiful lace, embellished with fine gems, it was unbelievably luxurious and beautiful.

Is this the territory of the blood clan?

Are vampires so rich?

And how can there be sunshine? Shouldn't vampires be afraid of sunlight and silverware...

She jumped out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked across the huge room to the door. The door of a room is only two beautiful arches.

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