100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1314 of the modern blood family (39)


After opening the door, there was actually a maid standing on the left and right outside the door, saluting her respectfully: "Respected Miss Feichu, you are awake. Do you need to see His Majesty Anluoles? We will report to His Majesty. ."

His Majesty? Anlorius?

Yu Chu frowned slightly, then nodded.

One of the maids hurriedly left, and the other maid respectfully said, "You must be hungry, right? Lunch will be ready soon, shall I take you to wash first?"


This is really a princess-like life. I wake up in the big bed every day, and there is a maid outside the room...

The maid took her to the built-in bathroom. The bathroom here was as big as a normal room. The mirror frame seemed to be pure gold with gemstones on it.

Yu Chu rejected the maid's service, and finished grooming himself expressionlessly. After going out, the previous maid just came back: "Your Majesty is in the council room, please come over in person. Your Majesty said that after he has dealt with the matter, he will Lunch with Miss Fei Chu." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu followed the maid to the council hall.

Outside the huge palace, there are golden sculptural columns, and the glass of the lattice windows is spotless.

Walking to the door of the conference hall, the maid quickly stopped Yu Chu's footsteps and knocked on the door respectfully.

"Your Majesty, Miss Feichu is here."

In the council hall, the blood clans with silver eyes and red eyes were sweating in cold sweat, and they didn't dare to breathe.

This young demon king, who has been sleeping for thousands of years, has finally appeared, and it has almost become a legend.

Talking face to face with the legendary vampire king can be stressful for any vampire.

And the young man in the main seat was smiling casually at this time, and the curvature of his thin lips was unclear.

This undoubtedly made everyone more nervous.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the council hall, accompanied by the maid's respectful reply. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The vampires were full of curiosity.

Who is Fei Chu?

His Majesty even allowed to interrupt the discussion.

In the silence, the blood clansmen were surprised to see that the thin lips of the young man in the main seat were slightly hooked, and the smile seemed to be a little more real, and said lazily: "Let her come in."

The door of the conference hall was pushed open, and a girl in a long skirt stood outside the door and walked in without looking sideways.

The vampires almost dropped their eyeballs.

--Humanity? !

When Yu Chu walked into the conference hall, he felt that the atmosphere was strange.

The young man at the top supported his forehead lazily, his thin lips slightly raised, watching her walk in.

Yu Chu stopped in front of him, but the young man took her hand and glanced at the vampire nobles below, "Her name is Fei Chu... she's mine."

The corners of the girl's lips moved, but she didn't say anything.

The blood clan below quickly expressed their understanding.

It turned out to be His Majesty's blood servant.

But everyone is still strange, even if it is a blood servant, His Majesty seems to be too kind to her.

"Continue." The boy cheerfully motioned for the meeting to continue, and then extended his hand to the girl, asking her to step forward and sit in his arms.

The nobles' eyes widened.

Yu Chu saw the expressions of the people below, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the person who was holding him.

From this angle, you can see the graceful curve of the juvenile's jaw, and the lips are thin and red.

He is listening to the people below.

Yu Chu suddenly hooked his lips and stretched out his hand, wrapped around his slender neck, and rubbed against the boy's ear like a spoiled child.

Anluoliston paused.

The blood tribes below showed ambiguous expressions.

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