100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1316 of the modern blood family (41)


Anlorius pursed his lips and said nothing.

The vampire's pale face was dyed bright red, and it looked like a magnificent beauty. The two small fangs were retracted. He pursed his thin lips, "I will accompany you to dinner."

It was obvious that he was at a loss to change the subject.

Yu Chu didn't continue to embarrass him, got up from the boy's arms, and suddenly said, "Can you still get smaller?"

"Yeah." Anrolios nodded slightly.

In fact, each time he turned into a teenager before the weak period passed, he could only last for three hours.

"Then do you want to become younger tomorrow and go to school with me?" Yu Chu said casually, "You won't go to school in the future, right? Tell the teacher."


If the subordinates were to hear that His Majesty the dignified Demon King actually went to school, their eyes would be wide-eyed in surprise. What's more, I have to report to the teacher...\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But the little girl Anrolios moved her lips, so she had no choice but to nod her head honestly. She touched her head with her pale and slender fingers, and said in a low voice, "I'll change clothes and then go to the restaurant together."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and nodded.

So, when Anrolios reappeared, he was a clean and white child, wearing retro aristocratic clothes, a white neck scarf and gems embellished, lining the old gentle gentleman's feeling.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, watching Little Budian step over, his broken pieces were still silver, and his burgundy eyes were round and tender and beautiful.

There was no expression on Anlorius' face. After he came over, he naturally reached out to hold her. His hand was white and tender, and the cuff was inlaid with fine gems. Bai Nen's small hand grabbed her two fingers and looked up. she.

"Let's go eat." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu turned his face away expressionlessly.

This kind of aristocratic little prince... She originally thought that she didn't like children, but at that time, she couldn't bear to throw An Luo at the police station, and now she finds him so cute...

She frowned.

Seeing her reaction, Anrolios blinked with his burgundy round pupils. He raised his head and grabbed the corner of the girl's clothes and tugged it, "Hold me and go, I'll go slowly."

The girl lowered her head and gave him a look of disgust, "I don't want it, I don't like children."

Anrolios blinked.

With a smile on his lips, he deliberately softened his voice, opened his eyes and said softly, "You can walk faster with me in your arms, aren't you hungry? I'm very hungry."

Hearing the words, the girl glanced down at him and touched her chin, "Well... yes, okay."

She leaned over and picked up the child with her open arms. The other party's small hands immediately wrapped around her neck, her delicate and fair cheeks were close at hand, and they were softly nestled in her arms, which made people feel a sense of satisfaction. .

It's so cute...

Yu Chu glanced at the child's white and tender face.

The color is like milk.

The little vampire with silver eyes and red eyes hooked his lips and said softly: "Please help me to see, is there anything on my face? The left side of the face is a little itchy."

The girl frowned: "Why are you so troublesome."

She glanced at it, "No."

"But it's a little itchy." The child smiled.

Yu Chu glanced down at him again before reaching out to touch his face, "Where? Here?"

Wow, it's really smooth and soft to the touch...

She was stunned for a moment, but it wasn't easy to touch it for too long, so she coughed and retracted her hand.


Ahhh, I forgot to post it regularly. I said that I always felt like I forgot something while watching TV... That ahem, I've saved up a few chapters, let's not, I'm going to break out 10,000 words tomorrow. Hey, I really miss the feeling of bursting, if I were a thousand-handed Guanyin [Looking at the two hands, I hate that iron is not steel]

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