100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1317 of the modern blood family (42)


The castle is very big, and along the way, there are some girls in maid costumes who bow their heads respectfully and salute. The sun poured down from the sky, and the petals of the rose bushes were rich in color, and the flowers seemed to be filled with fine golden light.

Seeing a girl holding His Majesty over with a blank face, the maids in front of the palace couldn't help showing surprise, then quickly lowered their heads to hide their shock, and respectfully pushed open the palace door.

They also heard the silver-red-eyed little vampire king softly say, "Can you hold me tighter?"

The girl said in disgust, "No."

The child Bai Nen's little hands wrapped around her and said in a low voice, "I'm wearing less clothes today and it's a little cold. If I catch a cold and get sick, how can I go with you tomorrow?"

The maids who were setting the table didn't dare to speak, until they walked out of the palace and looked up at the bright sun in the sky - the weather was obviously fine.

The girl said: "Trouble."

Having said that, she still took the step and hugged the little boy tightly, his fair little face pressed against her cheek, soft and very comfortable.

"Can you be tighter?" The little blood clan asked in a tender voice with their beautiful eyes bent.

The girl held her tighter, expressionless.

One big and one small walked harmoniously to the table.

The whole castle is like a building that only appears in a fairy tale. The bright sun shines from the sky, and there are beautiful rose bushes everywhere. Yu Chu felt very strange.

Generally speaking, vampires should be very afraid of sunlight. But she just glanced at the tableware, and even the tableware was silver, pure silverware.

The two walked to the dining table, and Yu Chu planned to put the child in his arms down. Although Anrolios was a little reluctant, he was surrounded by servants. If he was hugged to eat, then he would really be treated as a child... As your majesty of the blood clan, of course you need some dignity.

"Aren't you afraid of the sun?" Yu Chu asked curiously.

The beautiful child frowned slightly and said in a light tone, "The ancient people will be afraid."

Most of the current blood races have even been able to control their desire to eat. Their lives have become normal and civilized a lot. Sunlight, silverware, and fresh blood are all things that ancient blood races like.

Yu Chu looked at the restaurant, and even if there were only two people eating, they used a very large palace.

The long table is full of dazzling food, as luxurious as a dinner party of hundreds of people. Sunlight poured in from between the columns outside the palace, and the light and shadow were mottled.

She sat next to the little boy and looked at the food he was eating - little vampires basically didn't eat anything, and there was a glass of red wine in front of him.

Although the scene of the child drinking red wine seems a bit subtle, the calm expression of the young man, the noble temperament between his eyebrows and his eyes, and the white tender hand holding the goblet are not abrupt.

He is like a real little prince. Just looking at this angelic face, it is hard to imagine that he is the king of the demon party, a nightmare for countless people in ancient times.

After lunch, Anrolios left in the afternoon. Yu Chu walked around the castle alone, led by a few maids, and occasionally met the blood clan.

The vampires are notoriously difficult to get along with, but maybe because they know that she is the blood servant of Anrolios, every vampire just looks at her with curious and strange eyes, and no one takes the initiative to communicate with her.

Even at night, Anrolios hadn't come back, and Yu Chu had wandered far alone.

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