100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1318 of the modern blood family (43)


The castle at night looks more dreamy, but because it is too large and luxurious, the palace and huge corridor in the night give people a dark feeling. In front of it is a dark palace, and it is not a rose, but a large swath of dark roses.

The maid hurriedly stopped her, "Miss Feichu, you can't pass in front of you, let's go back."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't force him to walk forward, he just asked a little curiously, "What is that?"

The maid replied quickly: "It's a cage, and some blood servants who make mistakes will be locked here."

"Missed?" Yu Chu glanced at the huge dark palace in front of him, "What's wrong?"

"This..." The maid muttered.

"It's okay, I can't say it." The girl said lightly, turning around and preparing to go back.

The maid was a little panicked, after all, this is His Majesty's blood servant——and His Majesty also accompanied her to eat in person, and after becoming a child, she was still holding it...

"It's just... an addiction to eating."

"Huh?" Yu Chu thought that he had heard it wrong, and the blood servant would still be addicted to eating? The blood of the blood race is the blood of the blood servants, right? How to get addicted?

The maid didn't know if she should explain it to her, but as your majesty's blood servant, she probably should know this. She hesitated: "The blood servants who have been eaten by the adults for a long time will be very abnormal, and even the adults who want to occupy the blood clan..."

"Huh?" Yu Chu made a single syllable again and raised his brows, "...What is occupation?"

"I don't want adults to look for other blood servants. But a blood servant's blood volume is limited, which is not enough to satisfy an adult. An addicted blood servant becomes insane and will do a lot of crazy self-harm behavior, so if there is such a blood servant Servant, I have to isolate..." The maid looked at the palace in front of her eyes and said in a low voice.

Yu Chu nodded and didn't want to pay attention to these things, so he raised his feet to leave here.

The maid was also relieved and followed her quickly.

But they had just walked a few steps away when there was a sudden loud slap on the door from the palace behind, and a young girl's voice cried out, "Let me out—!"

The voice was very familiar.

Yu Chu stopped and vaguely remembered that when she and Anluolius were teleporting, the girl she had seen at the reception also rushed over...

It's really a candy bar.

A hint of impatience flashed in the girl's eyes.

At first at the reception, this young girl made people lose their appetite. She had no obligation to help her, but instead of hating that Bert, she held a grudge against herself.

She pondered for a while, then turned her eyes and asked the maid, "Can you let her out? She's not a blood servant."

"Hey?" The maid was stunned, wondering, "Unless there is an order from the blood race adults..."

Before she could finish her sentence, another cold and soft male voice interrupted her, "...How can you refuse the request of such a beautiful young lady."

The maid looked up and saw the appearance of the person who came. She hurriedly bowed and pulled Yu Chu nervously, "O...Lord Prince Onyx."

Yu Chu followed a bow without any reaction, and glanced at the approaching person indifferently.

is a young man.

The skin of vampires is pale, but some pale and beautiful, like a morbid and cold beauty.

But this person in front of him is like overindulgence... His facial features are good-looking, but too feminine.

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