100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1319 of the modern blood family (44)


Yu Chu was wearing a long gauze dress, and the maid was dressed in summer, but this Prince Onyx was wearing a plush cloak. The brilliance of the fine gems reflected on his face, and there was a hint of strangeness in his femininity.

He coughed, stepped forward with a smile, raised his equally pale hand, and released a rose from the palm of his hand. He gracefully smiled and handed the flower to Yu Chu, with a glimmer of obsession that was not easily discernible in his eyes. "What a beautiful girl, you are a perfect match for the roses of the night."

Yu Chu didn't know his details. Seeing that he did nothing but send flowers, he reached out and frowned and said politely, "Thank you, Prince."

Onyx's eyes became even more blurred, and he praised softly, "The beauty's voice is also so beautiful."

The maid was obviously anxious by the side, but did not dare to offend the prince, and said with a trembling voice: "His Royal Highness... She is the blood servant of His Majesty Anrolios."

"Oh?" The man's pale face couldn't help but show a surprised expression this time, "My esteemed little majesty, finally has his own blood servant?"

He walked around the girl in surprise, "Your Majesty has never had a blood servant... Before he was sealed, when he was 600 years old, he never ate human blood... He is really a picky eater." He With a sigh, "If you are willing to eat, the period of weakness will be greatly reduced. This is really a good thing."

Yu Chu lowered his head slightly, pondering his words.

The maid seemed to be relieved, and quietly pulled Yu Chu back a step, "Yes, it's great that Your Majesty is willing to eat... It's getting late, presumably His Majesty is already busy, and Miss Feichu should go back."

Onyx smiled at them.

The maid motioned Yu Chu to leave, Yu Chu said nothing and was about to take a step, but just as she took a step, the person behind said slowly, "...Wait."

Yu Chu felt that the maid beside her held her breath for a moment, and seemed very embarrassed and worried.

Onyx stepped forward, his pale fingers picked up a long strand of the girl, and he sniffed fascinatedly, "It's just a blood servant, it doesn't matter. You go and tell the little majesty that I left her tonight."

The maid's face became as pale as his, and she tried her best to refuse: "Miss Feichu is His Majesty's favorite blood servant. She said earlier that she would bring it back tonight..."

"Oh?" Onyx smiled softly, "So, are you going to disobey my orders?"

The maid didn't dare to speak again.

Yu Chu stared at it coldly for a while, then raised his hand expressionlessly, pulled out the strand of his head, wrapped the martial arts around his palm, and cut off the lower half of the grip. She raised her skirt and bowed her eyes, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty wants me to go back."

The maid opened her eyes in surprise.

Miss Feichu politely said sorry, and saluted perfectly, but she did not hesitate to cut off the thread... This is obviously an expression of disgust, and the other party is still Prince Onyx...

Sure enough, the blood-red eyes of the prince brightened, and the disgusted gloom turned into a more obsessive emotion. He said in a soft voice: "Young girl with a temper. Didn't you just want to let the people inside out?"

He waved.

There was no other movement, and the gate of the palace was opened, and a girl ran out.

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