100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1320 Modern Blood Race (45)


Yu Chu's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the girl lightly.

Luo Bingbing didn't know why, but she was sent here. She was obviously sent along with those two people. But when he woke up, he found himself alone, in a dark and cold palace.

She was so frightened that she shivered and shrank for a day here, digesting what she saw.


There are vampires in this world!

She was almost sucked blood...

Recalling the vampire's hideous face and sharp fangs, Luo Bingbing couldn't help shaking.

But the shock soon passed.

After she calmed down, her mind gradually changed.

Of course she knew about the race of vampires, and vampires in human cognition were all very good-looking handsome guys, polite to girls, like aristocrats.

She went to the haunted house to play, and the vampire she met was eating. She was terrified at the time, but now that she calms down and thinks back, she thinks that the normal form of the vampire might be beautiful.

She works at Wharton just to hook up with a rich young master. If there really are vampires in this world, being a boyfriend would definitely be awesome...

But she was hungry and cold, and this thought just flashed in her mind, and soon dissipated.

Luo Bingbing ran out of the palace and finally let out a long breath when she saw the silver moonlight outside.

She also saw three people outside.

Her eyes fell on Onix's face for the first time, and she couldn't move away in amazement.

Although he looked pale, his delicate facial features still represented the beauty of a vampire.

It is not without reason that the blood race is called the pinnacle of beauty. Silver red eyes, gentleman and cold.

She stared blankly at the other party, but Onyx just glanced at her, then looked away, smiled and said to Yu Chu, "Miss Feichu, I fulfilled your wish, aren't you going to repay me?"

Luo Bingbing's gaze then moved to Yu Chu. After seeing her face clearly, she covered her mouth in surprise and said, "It's you! How can it be you..."

Yu Chu glanced at her.

The maid also only glanced at her and lowered her head.

Onix didn't care about her words at all, with a smile on his lips, he stepped forward and extended his hand to Yu Chu.

"Beautiful Miss Feichu." He gently bent over, "Please follow me back to my palace."

The maid's mood was even more anxious.

Prince Onyx——His reputation lies in excessive indulgence, the general blood race is just eating, but he likes other tricks, and the blood servant he brought back did not end well...

But this is His Majesty's blood servant, and the maid really dare not let the prince take it away. Although the blood servant itself is not worthy of protection, and sharing the blood servant is not a serious matter, but His Majesty obviously attaches great importance to this young lady...

She gritted her teeth, and her voice was full of tears, "His Royal Highness, why don't you ask your majesty first..."

"Shut up." Onyx finally lost his patience, the red light on his fingertips flickered slightly, and the maid was wrapped around the ankle by the rose branch.

Stimulated by the smell of blood, he was slightly excited, and he stepped forward to grab the girl's waist.

Luo Bingbing was beside her, stunned at the self-winding Rose and the maid who was crying softly.

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