100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1321 of the modern blood family (46)


She hadn't recovered from the shock, but a cold and faint voice came from the night, and she couldn't hear her emotions, but it only made people feel coercive.

"You're robbing me?"

The rose branch shrank back in the enclave, and the water droplets on the petals trembled slightly, as if in awe.

The maid's legs fell softly to the ground, but she finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got up respectfully: "Your Majesty."

Onyx squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand to embrace the girl, stopped in midair, and slowly retracted it.

He put one hand on his shoulders respectfully and gave an imperial salute before smiling: "Miss Feichu is your blood servant. I have no intention of robbing her. Your Majesty is finally willing to choose a blood servant. I am very happy for Your Majesty."

He said, his blood-red eyes looked at Yu Chu, squinted his eyes and smiled: "But a mere blood servant... is just a human being. If your majesty is willing to eat, I can pick up many blood servants for you. As for the blood servant. This young lady..." He unconsciously licked his lips, showing a mocking smile, "You know my eating habits, this young lady makes me very appetizing."

In the darkness on the opposite side, a slender boy slowly walked over with long legs, dressed in a low-key and retro aristocratic clothing, and the cufflinks were beautiful gems. It was cold at night, and he was wearing a cloak with a few strands of silver chains hanging from it.

Yu Chu walked towards him and was held by the boy's hands. Anlorius looked at her with burgundy eyes softly, but he asked Onix, "Do you have an appetite?"

The pale man didn't hear anything from his light tone, and smiled ambiguously: "Yes, Your Majesty."

The boy finally raised his eyes.

Luo Bingbing on the side was stunned. Anrolios's appearance was several times more perfect than the vampire she imagined. He was the person she met at the last reception. After that meeting, she was haunted for a long time.

He is a vampire!

Those people also called him Your Majesty.

Luo Bingbing's heart skipped a beat.

But Anluolis didn't seem to notice her, and looked at the man opposite quietly, his tone was as flat as ever: "Well, speaking of which, the roses here have not had suitable flower fat for a long time."

Onyx was stunned.

The young His Majesty's lips twitched into a small smile, and in those calm pupils, finally showed the cold emotion of being provoked, and said slowly: "The corpse of the tenth generation prince, they will also have a lot of appetite."

Prince Onyx was a little stunned.

He hadn't yet reacted to what the boy meant.

A normal vampire probably wouldn't think that His Majesty could kill the prince for a blood servant.

Although it is not difficult for the Demon King to rule on the prince, who would think it was because of a blood servant?

It wasn't until the rose was entangled that Onyx realized that this His Majesty was going to execute him!

They are not like the secret party, killing a clan requires strict procedures. In the demon party, the name Anrolios is a myth. At the tender age of six hundred, he became the majesty of the blood clan. Even if he is still weak, he does not dare to challenge that kind of coercion.

But he never wanted to die!

The man's already pale complexion turned even more pale as a ghost. He desperately broke free from the entanglement of the roses and said with wide eyes, "No, no, Your Majesty, you must have made a mistake... I don't understand, why do you want to..."

"I'm happy." The young man said three words lightly between his thin lips. Then, he glanced at Luo Bingbing beside him and asked Yu Chu with a frown, "What's wrong with her?"


Well, it's too late to code today, and there will be a wave of early morning updates. Little fairies, go to sleep, get up tomorrow and see~

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