100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1323 of the modern blood family (48)


"What are you doing?" he asked nervously.

A small mass was covered under him, and Yu Chu looked at him calmly, "Drink my blood."

The child's wine-red eyes flashed, and he pursed his lips slightly, "...Why did you say this suddenly?"

"That Onyx said that eating blood can help you get through the period of weakness." Yu Chu rolled over and moved away from the child, lay down beside him, raised his hand and touched his tender little face, "He said you never Having eaten human blood...how did you survive?"

Anrolios lowered his eyelashes, "I didn't need to eat blood until I was six hundred years old. After that, I was sealed, and after that, I woke up weak..." He hesitated, "I have no desire for blood."

"I still have to eat." The girl educated lightly.

"..." Anrolios couldn't refute.

"Would you like to take a sip first? If it feels good, drink it later." Yu Chu handed over his wrist.

The little blood clan hesitated slightly.

He was also curious about the taste of human blood, but looking at the girl's fair wrists...

He raised his small hand and squeezed her wrist, but did not open his lips to bite.

"You don't want to drink mine?" Yu Chu thought he meant this, so he frowned in embarrassment, "That's not it. When you ask for leave tomorrow, by the way, see if there is any human you like? I'll catch someone and give you a drink."

She said, and began to count her fingers with interest, "There are so many countries in the world, your dishes can be different every day, ah, and mixed race..."

Compared to Chu's high interest, when she started talking about finding someone else to suck blood, Anrolios's expression was not very good-looking. With a small face, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, "Do you think blood can be drunk indiscriminately?"

Yu Chu stopped and raised his eyebrows, "I see that Prince Onyx seems to be drinking."

"I'm not the same as him." Anrolios whispered in a sullen voice, particularly disliking her letting him drink other people's blood. He held the girl's hand with his two small hands, took a serious look at it, and said lightly, "I'll just take a bite of my finger, it won't hurt very much."

Yu Chu nodded.

Then, she stared at the child eagerly.

Would it be cute for a child to grow small fangs?

Under her sight, two small snow-colored fangs touched the child's bright red lips. He lowered his head and held her hand, carefully biting her fingertips.

"Hey..." The strange numbness ran all over the body in an instant, but it was not as strong as last time, maybe because he was just a child now, that feeling has also become mild, and not as aggressive as last time.

Yu Chu hardly felt the tingling, and saw the child's white tender neck move slightly, and the soft and tender tongue licked her fingertips, licking off the blood beads.

He took a few sips with a slightly contented expression on his face. After holding her hand for a while, he raised his head and licked his lips. He narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Sweet."

"Do you like to drink?" Yu Chu asked.

Anluolis nodded, suddenly leaned over, kissed her lips with tender and bright red lips, put a small hand around her neck and nestled into her arms, "Don't worry, I will pay attention and control every meal. blood."

Yu Chu was taken aback by the kiss, and then he pushed the child away with a blank expression, "You can't kiss me like this."

Anlorius looked at her silently for a long time, then hugged her clingingly again, and said unhappily, "Hold the head office, right?"


Chapter 7 ( ̄ dish  ̄) started too late today, I couldn't stand it, the remaining three chapters will be up tomorrow, and the big babies will go to bed earlier. This story is about to end, the next story is tangled between the professor and the doctor, the glasses are gentle and hooligan haha, or the doctor, the professor will write it later

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