100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1324 of the modern blood family (49)


The next day, Anlorius was still a child, and Yu Chu took him to school together.

His retro clothing like a little aristocrat has been replaced with modern disgusting casual clothes, and an arm is exposed under the white short sleeves, white and tender like milk.

Yu Chu led him down the street, many people looked back, some girls couldn't help whispering in a low voice, suppressing their overflowing aunt's heart.

"Wow, what a cute kid..."

"I want to have one!!"

Yu Chu looked down at the child beside him.

He was being held obediently, his little hand raised and grabbed her thumb, holding an ice cream and eating slowly.

She sighed lowly.

I don't know why, every world encountered is so... indescribably perfect.

When the two arrived at the school, when Yu Chu went to the office to explain to the teacher, Anrolios stood beside him bored. Several children in the class were lying on the windows, looking at him curiously. The little boy who shared lunch with him. When the girl saw it, she simply ran out.

"You haven't come these days."

The little girl said with a milky voice.

Anrolios raised his black eyes, licked his ice cream flatly, and did not speak.

The little girl's eyes fell on the ice cream.

The cone was originally very ordinary, but the little boy's blushing lips were stained with cream, and he lowered his eyes to eat attentively, which made people have an appetite for ice cream.

The little girl stood on tiptoe naturally, "My mother won't let me eat this, your sister is so kind to you."

Anrolios agreed with the second half of the sentence. Hearing this, he raised his head slightly, but the little girl licked her lips and stared at his cone, "Can I take a bite?"


As soon as these words fell, the snow-white and delicate little boy in front of him suddenly stepped back a few steps.

The little girl was puzzled and stared at him with big eyes, "Mother said that sharing is a virtue."

Anrolios was too lazy to explain to the children that he could not share things with others, not to mention that those who liked bought them for him. He took something out of his pocket and threw it to the little girl: "Your mother is right, but mine won't give you. Buy it yourself."

The little girl took the thing subconsciously, spread out her palm, and looked at the gem in her hand in astonishment.

Yu Chu just came out of the office, Anluolius immediately walked towards her and raised his hand to hold her.

The teacher sighed: "Your child is so sticky to you. He doesn't talk much in school, and he doesn't communicate with others... But he is like a piece of calf candy, so he won't let it go."

Yu Chu touched the child's head and smiled at the teacher, "Let's go, thank you teacher for taking care of me."


After the two left the school and walked to the street, Yu Chu lowered his head and asked, "You gave that little girl a gem? I didn't expect you to have friends."

"No. She wants to eat my ice cream, and I give it to me..." The little boy took her finger.

Yu Chu felt a little regretful when he heard the words, "I thought you had a friend, I really overestimated you."


Anrolios snorted coldly and said nothing.

What if not?

There is no time for friends.

He coldly licked the ice cream at the corner of his lips.


A few days later, the negotiation between the demon party and the government was officially carried out. Although the secret party was very dissatisfied, they always avoided the world. Since the demon party is willing to abide by the peace treaty of mankind, of course the secret party will not object.

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