100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1325 of the modern blood family (50)


After signing the agreement, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The relationship between aliens and humans is naturally the most worrying thing for the government. Now that this matter has been resolved peacefully, there is a light smile on everyone's face.

Yu Chu left the house where he lived in disguise. When he moved, Anluolius personally came to help. The neighbor grandmother in front of the door said kindly, "Is this Xiao Chu's boyfriend? He looks really good..."

The slender boy stood beside him, and because of the name boyfriend, he rarely smiled at strangers.

Yu Chu was packing things in the room alone.

Suddenly a figure flashed by outside the window, she froze for a moment, then walked over with a frown.

The girl quickly turned out the window. Walking to the alley behind the house, he said lightly, "Come out."

Behind the trash can not far away, a woman stood up slowly and looked at her with complicated eyes. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu smiled, "No. 056?"

The person in front of him is Eli.

She still had hatred in her eyes, glanced at the house behind her, and said coldly, "You lied to me... That's His Majesty the Demon Party of the dignified blood clan, not the blood clan in that haunted house at all! You two lied to me together!"

Yu Chu sneered: "Liar to you? What the tape recorder records is the truth. You have come to this day, and it is entirely your own fault. You are jealous of me, betray me, and even kill me. This is just what I gave you in return."

Eli's lips trembled slightly.

Those recordings made her expelled from the Secret Service, but she has performed many disguised missions. The regular public security system has no information about her at all, and her household registration does not exist in society. She has since become a person living in the dark. , keep evading pursuit...

The hatred in her eyes flickered, and finally the precipitation slowly dissipated, sobbing and crying: "I was wrong, Chu Chu, I know I was wrong, please help me..."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t ;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"It's too late." Yu Chu showed no expression.

There were footsteps behind him, the young man walked over slowly, glanced at the crying woman, and immediately put his hand on Yu Chu's shoulder, "Everything is packed, let's go? You will live in my castle from now on. ."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Yili and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Would you like to take her..."

"No." Yu Chu shook his head.

Killing is too straightforward. Yili's life is not easy now, so let her enjoy it more.

She took the boy's hand and left.

Yili's regretful cry gradually pulled away.

"I don't want to live in your castle."

The girl suddenly said this lightly, and Anluolis's indifferent expression paused slightly, and instantly frowned and became unhappy and aggrieved, "Why?"

"I want to take a look, let's go on a tour. What else does the blood family need you to deal with?" Yu Chu turned to look at him, and the corners of his lips curled slightly.

The young man loosened his frowning brows and shook his head, "It's nothing, you can leave at any time."

"Then it's settled."

The two decided on the next step, but the only trouble was that Anrolios' form could only be maintained as a child. His period of weakness has not completely passed, and he cannot stabilize.

Anrolios does not reject the state of a child.

Every time she raised her head to hug him, although the girl disliked him on the surface, she still held him tightly with her mouth and body upright.

Before falling asleep, he would carefully drink the blood and gently let the wound heal.

He wished he could stabilize sooner.



The next story is decided-#the star who was blackened to the point of being completely skinless vs the scholar doctor who is gentle and precious#- is a story of a star turning around \u0026amp;amp; love and abuse of fans. Friendly reminder that multiple male partners are haunting... ヾ(*?Dish?)?

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