100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1334 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (6)


Yu Chu originally planned to go to the medical examination center, but after she went out, when she walked to the gate of Jingren Community, a car happened to be coming out from there.

Yu Chu lowered his head and didn't pay attention, but the car stopped in front of her and honked at her.

The girl raised her head in surprise.

The window rolled down, revealing an extremely beautiful profile face. The outline of the gold wire glasses was gentle, which neutralized the aggressiveness of the beautiful appearance, making people look more calm and gentle, and the bridge of the nose behind the lenses was high and straight.

When Yu Chu saw him, he couldn't help but glanced at the doctor's car. This car looks silver and white, and it looks like a very expensive model. She glanced at the license plate again, and it really isn't a logo that the general public can afford.

She felt a little strange.

Yesterday I painted smoky makeup and stood up the collar of my coat, but today I washed my face fresh and wore a mask. This doctor shouldn't know him, why did he stop and whistle at her?

She thought that maybe she made a mistake, so she quickened her steps to pass him, but the other party blew the whistle again, and said in a light voice: "Thank you for helping me pay yesterday, please wait, I will pay you back. ."

Yu Chu paused.

She didn't know how she would be recognized, but after thinking about it, she turned around and walked back, lowered the brim of her cap, took out her phone to unlock it, and whispered from her mask, "Cash or transfer?"

"Cash." The other party didn't seem to have any plans to talk to her - probably just out of politeness and rigor, so he stopped her to pay back the money.

Yu Chu is really short of money now, so he doesn't refuse. This taxi money is enough for a meal.

She watched his movements from under her cap.

As a doctor, this man's hands are really good-looking, with slender and white roots. He took out a bill from his black wallet, flat and clean, with two slender fingers sandwiched between them and handed it over from the car window.

The eyes behind the pair of gold lenses also lifted up in an instant and looked at her casually.

There seemed to be a hint of blue in the dark eyes.

Yu Chu was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty. She reached out to take the bill, and her fingertips touched the other person inadvertently, but she took it back in the next second. She lowered her head and stuffed the money into her bag, "Wait, I'll ask you for change."

Jiang Yan slightly narrowed his eyes behind the lenses.

Under the white shirt, the black tie was neatly and meticulously tied, he withdrew his hand from the car window and leaned on the seat gently and calmly, "No need."

Yu Chu said "oh", but didn't insist on looking for money at all, and put the money and mobile phone back.

The phone screen lit up, and Yu Chu saw the date above, and suddenly remembered that today was Saturday. She hesitated for a while, and casually asked the person next to her who had not left: "Does the medical examination department work in your hospital on Saturdays and Sundays?"

Jiang Yan raised his eyes and met the dark eyes of the little girl outside.

His impression was still from yesterday, a girl full of bad style, strong smoky makeup like a ghost, and arrogant words full of police...

Obviously a bad girl.

After a pause, the man said warmly, "Go on. Are you going to the hospital? I'll take you on the way."

Yu Chu was stunned.

This doctor doesn't seem like a nice guy to get along with. Whether it's the delicate pins on the tie or the expensive cufflinks on the cuffs, it all means that this is an absolute elite with a relatively cold personality.

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