100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1335 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (7)


Why did you suddenly become a kind person?

She blinked and looked at the other party, Jiang Yan's expression was also very calm, looking gentle and harmless, like a gentleman.

She thanked her and was about to open the rear door when she suddenly felt bad. Generally speaking, when two people ride in a car, they will take the co-pilot if they are polite, otherwise it would be like treating the other person as the driver. So she turned her head and walked to the other side, opened the car door and sat in.

As soon as he entered the car door, the very faint cold fragrance of the other party's body lingered around, Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, and glanced at him calmly - his mood suddenly became a little funny.

Um? Sure enough, every world will meet?

She relaxed a bit, sat in the co-pilot and looked down at her phone, "Thank you, Dr. Jiang."

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing.

"Doctor Jiang, your surname is Jiang, what's your name?" After confirming his identity, Yu Chu casually approached. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Jiang Yan."

"My surname is Jiang too, what a coincidence." Yu Chu opened the game on his phone, "Which department is Dr. Jiang in?"

"Surgery." When the car was on the road, Jiang Yan's expression was always calm and gentle, and he answered lightly.

"Wow, that one is very promising." Yu Chu started the first game. She originally wanted to say that it was very profitable, but after thinking about it, she changed a good word.

Jiang Yan didn't answer much, and Yu Chu didn't talk anymore, and concentrated on playing the game.

She still wanted to ask about the woman from yesterday. It can't be this guy's girlfriend, can it?

But now that she is not familiar with it, she is too lazy to ask.

After the two arrived at the hospital, Yu Chu originally planned to get off the car in front of the door, but the other party drove the car directly into the parking garage and got off with her. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu had to follow him to the hospital.

"Is there any discomfort?" The other party asked politely.

Yu Chu shook his head.

The man narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, looked at her from behind his glasses, and said in a calm and gentle tone, "Drink less alcohol, smoking is not good for your health. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two." Yu Chu glanced at him, not knowing why, but always felt that there were some unexplained emotions hidden under that calm and polite appearance.

After the delicate and clean lenses, a pair of dark blue eyes flashed by.

The two walked into the hospital together, and Yu Chu planned to say hello and leave. But she didn't take two steps when Jiang Yan said in a light voice behind her: "Wrong way, the medical examination department is here... Come with me."

So she backed away obediently, followed the other person honestly, and walked into a department of the hospital.

In fact, since the two walked into the hospital together, many eyes have stopped on them. The glances from the doctors and nurses seemed a little surprised.

Jiang Yan didn't seem to notice anything. He walked into the department with the girl and politely asked the people on the side: "Is the medical examiner there? Someone check here."

"Ah... Doctor Jiang."

There was a young male doctor sitting in the department. When he saw Jiang Yan, he got up nervously, and his attitude was very respectful.

He looked at Yu Chu beside him.

Yu Chu blinked, but didn't respond.

But the person next to him who had always been polite, frowned slightly, and narrowed his eyes behind the lens.

"Are you an intern?" Jiang Yan asked.

"Ah... yes." The young man replied quickly.

Jiang Yan quietly turned his head and looked at the girl, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his hand and loosened his tie lightly.

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