100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1336 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (8)


"This is a new intern. If you mind, I can do it for you." He said quietly.

The intern beside him instantly widened his eyes.

What the hell! Doctor Jiang in surgery!


Why is it so unpretentious, and the physical examination work is also done for people, this affinity is 100%!

His surprise was undisguised.

Yu Chu was also stunned for a moment, then glanced at the intern and nodded without any objection.

"Okay," said Dr. Jiang gently, with the golden mirrors gentle and calm, "you come with me first."

The two walked out of the department and went upstairs all the way, and the doctors and nurses they met looked at them vaguely. Yu Chu inadvertently heard the people behind him whispering.

"Is that Doctor Jiang's girlfriend?"

"No way... it looks ordinary, doesn't it?"


Yu Chu rolled his eyes under the peaked cap. She is dressed to be unobtrusive, and with the addition of a hat and a mask, no one can see her original appearance.

"It's not a girlfriend, so why would you be with Dr. Jiang... We still went to the hospital together."

"Maybe it's a patient or a relative. If Dr. Jiang has a girlfriend, the hospital has already spread the word."

"This is also..."


Yu Chu glanced at the slender back of the person in front of him.

Jiang Yan didn't seem to hear anything. He led the people upstairs and walked into a large and tidy office. He gestured politely, "You sit first."

He turned around and took off his jacket lightly, took the white coat on one side of the hanger, and put it on flat white, with the watch on his fair wrist, which was very beautiful.

"Have you eaten in the morning?" He walked to the black desk, picked up a folder from the table with his white fingers, and tapped the table with the other hand.


"Have you taken diet pills before?" Jiang Yan turned a page, glanced at her, and asked lightly.

Yu Chu shook his head.

"Is there any disease?"


"Then come with me." Jiang Yan pinched the bridge of his nose lightly, lowered his eyes and put down the folder in his hand.

The two returned to the medical examination room. After entering the inner room, the curtain was drawn, and there were only two people left in the entire space, and the other party was wearing a white coat with a white shirt and tie inside, and the watch also showed a cold alienation. , this atmosphere can easily make people nervous.

But Yu Chu is not an ordinary person.

She had no emotion at all, and proceeded with a calm expression. Jiang Yan picked up the stethoscope and pressed it on her body through her clothes, her eyes behind the lenses raised slightly.

Yu Chu also looked at him and blinked.

Her heartbeat was very steady.

Jiang Yan raised his chin slightly, his fair and delicate lines made his eyes more calm, and his voice was also slightly cold, "Take it off."


If it wasn't for the fact that this man was a doctor with a calm and gentle expression, Yu Chu really would have thought that this was a hooligan. However, the diagnosis and auscultation requires touching the skin, especially during the physical examination, she pouted and took off her shirt obediently.

Jiang Yan didn't seem to have any other emotions, and his white fingers held the stethoscope again and pressed it gently.

The cold instrument touched the skin, and the heartbeat under the stethoscope was slightly faster. Jiang Yan glanced at her and said softly, "Tell me if it hurts."


The examination was carried out in an orderly manner. Yu Chu held his chin in one hand and silently looked at the person opposite him, inexplicably liked the way he wore a stethoscope. Perhaps this is the charm of the doctor, cold and secure.

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