100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1337 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (9)


After the physical examination, Jiang Yan took the instrument and said lightly: "The results of the physical examination will come out in the afternoon, you can go to have breakfast first, and then do your own business."

Yu Chu buttoned her shirt lazily. The girl's fair and beautiful curves were shrouded in the clothes. She suddenly said, "Dr. Jiang, you are so nice. Have you done medical examinations before?"

Jiang Yan didn't look at her, holding the report in his hand, shook his head slightly, "I don't usually come here."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

The two walked out together, Jiang Yan went upstairs, and the girl followed him lazily behind him, until the man noticed it and looked back, then she spread her hands innocently: "I don't have anything to do, just wait here. "

The man narrowed his black and blue eyes, then smiled gently and politely: "Then come to my office."

Yu Chu followed him upstairs.

Dr. Jiang put one hand into the pocket of the white coat, took a cup in the other hand, poured a cup of hot water, and then took out a box of biscuits from the drawer and handed it to her, "Eat some."

Yu Chu was surprised.

Jiang Yan retracted his hand and turned his watch gently, "The child in the hospital sent it. You have some for breakfast."

The girl tore open the biscuits, took a sip of hot tea, and squinted her eyes in comfort, "You are so kind to people! Being a doctor means taking care of people. Hey, does Dr. Jiang have a girlfriend?"

Jiang Yan shook his head slightly.

"Eh? Isn't that the lady I saw yesterday?" Yu Chu asked while eating the biscuits.

Hearing this, the man stopped slightly.

He was silent for a while, stood in front of her, and said politely and gently with cold and fair eyebrows, "She... I'm a little troublesome, maybe you have an idea."

He poured himself a glass of water, and looked down at the medical records on the table, "That's the daughter of the hospital director. Since I came to work here, I have rejected her many times. You are also a girl, is there anything good? Suggest?"

Yu Chu shrugged, "Say you have a girlfriend?"

"I said it." Jiang Yan took a sip of tea and said lightly, "It's useless."

Yu Chu tilted his head to look at him for a while, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips calculatedly, "As a girl, I know that one move can definitely make people give up. Do you want to try it with Dr. Jiang?"

Jiang Yan's eyes were gentle, "Let's hear it."

"As long as you cooperate," Yu Chu shook his head and asked, "Will she come to you today?"

"Well." Jiang Yan looked at his watch. Thinking of that woman, a trace of displeasure flashed in his drooping beautiful eyes, "It will be there in a while."

"Ok." Yu Chu clapped his hands, "Thank you Dr. Jiang for the breakfast, leave this to me."

As she spoke, she walked out the door and waved at Jiang Yan, "Doctor Jiang will stay here and wait for me."

The figure of the girl disappeared.

Jiang Yan stood in the same place lightly, the pen between the fair fingers fluttered in a circle, the beautiful and gentle face was gentle and harmless, but the thin lips evoked a touch of interest.

He lowered his head and continued to deal with things quietly.

Yu Chu took the elevator downstairs, leaned beside the pedestrian aisle, took out his mobile phone and continued playing games.

She decided to use the character of a bad girl for the time being, so she behaved more casually.

When she noticed the figure of the woman yesterday and saw that she had just walked into the hospital door, she hooked her lips, closed her phone lazily, and stepped into the elevator.

She leaned in the elevator, deliberately pressed the button to stop the elevator, tilted her head and quietly waited for the woman to enter.

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