100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1338 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (10)


It was morning, and there was no one in the hospital. Yu Chu was wearing a mask and a peaked cap. He was lazy and looked like a bad girl.

There were only two people in the elevator. After the woman stepped into the elevator, she glanced at her with a disdainful expression.

In her opinion, the young girl who came to the hospital alone with such a tightly wrapped package probably did not have any self-respect and had a chaotic private life, so she came to the hospital alone to have an abortion.

The woman stood to the side with a sense of superiority, staying away from her, as if hiding from some germs.

Yu Chu also looked at her.

This woman wears a famous brand, but compared to the low-key and pure white feeling of Dr. Jiang, the brand on her body seems too vulgar... like a nobleman and a tycoon.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows amusedly and asked politely, "Excuse me, do you know Dr. Jiang from the surgery?"

The woman looked at her instantly.

Yu Chu took it easy: "I'm sorry, are you a doctor here? I saw that you had a job card, so I wanted to ask. Do you know Jiang Yan from surgery? I came to him today, but I don't know him. On a few floors."

The woman was silent for a long while, then cautiously and tentatively said: "I'm sorry, may I ask you to be his..."

"Girlfriend." Yu Chu replied frankly.

The woman's expression instantly stiffened, she looked up and down for a few seconds in disbelief, and forced a smile, "Really? Dr. Jiang never said he had a girlfriend."

She stared at Yu Chu with a bad expression.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Didn't you say? He also said just now that in order to refuse, he said that he had a girlfriend. This woman is lying.

Yu Chu blinked and said with a smile: "He always said that there are many germs in the hospital, so let me come here less. So you know him? Which floor is he on, and which one is he?"

The woman is full of doubts.

To be honest, she didn't believe the girl's words.

It is impossible for Dr. Jiang to have a girlfriend.

A person with a girlfriend, life cannot be like that, and it is completely impossible to see that he has a close opposite sex.

What he said before must have been a lie.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if there were, Dr. Jiang wouldn't have a crush on such a bad girl, would he?

He is such a self-disciplined person.

With the thought of disbelief in her heart, the woman told the girl the floor without smiling. She planned to wait for the girl to go first, and then go to see it herself and ask Dr. Jiang in person. Even if he wanted to get rid of himself, he couldn't just accept a bad girl as his girlfriend.

She subconsciously felt that this girl also had a crush on Dr. Jiang, so she would panic. The woman is very uncomfortable. She wanted to see how this lie could be rounded up.

After the elevator arrived, Yu Chu lazily thanked him and walked out briskly. The woman waited by the elevator in the back, and then came out of the elevator after she left.

Yu Chu ran back to the office and winked at the person behind the black desk: "Hurry up, hurry up! Cooperate with me."

Jiang Yan raised his eyes, and the eyes under the gentle lens were gentle and noble, and he stood up from behind the table.

"No, you don't have to stand up." Yu Chu pressed him down again, "Don't move, don't resist."

Jiang Yan was pressed down by her, and in the next instant, the girl straddled his waist and reached out to take off his glasses.

Jiang Yan was slightly stunned.

But obediently did not move.

Before Yu Chu could see how he took off his glasses, he quickly pulled off his white coat, loosened his tie, and then unbuttoned a button of his white shirt.

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